OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Setup & Installation

Install - screen goes blank when pmshell starts

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Doug Clark:
Trying to install on a MSI Pro B550-VC motherboard with a Ryzen 5 5600X and Radeon X600 video card.  The Ryzen 5600x processor has no graphics built into the CPU.   CSM is turned on in the bios.

I created a USB stick for the install.  I get the AOS boot menu where it asks if I want to boot from the hard drive or Install/Maintain AOS.  I pick install/maintain.  The AOS logo shows up for a while and then the screen goes blank.

Tried setting AOS install/boot option to turn on showing the loading of drivers (e.g. Alt-F2)  The screen goes blank right after it says PMSHELL.

As a note:  when I turned on the computer for the very first time the screen was blank for a long time (a couple of minutes) and then I got a message to the effect that video was not UEFI compatible and was switching to CSM.

Anyone got any ideas?

Dave Yeo:
Try a legacy install. As the message says, the X600 is too old for UEFI.

Doug Clark:
Unfortunately there is no "legacy" option available in the bios - only CSM.  And with CSM turned on the video displays - at least enough to get the first install menu and logo.

It would be pretty easy for me to buy a different video card to get through the installation, if that would solve the problem.  And providing that I could then install SNAP and the Radeon X600 after I got AOS v 5.1 installed.

Does SNAP work with UEFI? 

Dave Yeo:
SNAP works with UEFI after installation, so install with Panorama and then run setup.cmd from the ISO's SNAP directory. How well it will work with a modern computer and X600 card is unknown, at least to me.
CSM is legacy, if it is failing in CSM mode, I'd suspect that there is something missing from the ancient card that modern systems require.
If buying a card, try to get an ATI as they're a lot friendlier, things like custom resolutions.
One other idea, can you fiddle with the PCI settings in the BIOS? Mine allows changing it from X3 to X2 or X1 or similar, slowing it down might be a workaround.

Doug Clark:
Thanks Dave for the suggestions.  I did poke around in the bios and saw some settings for pcie - like x1, etc.  But I thought X1, X4, X16 signified the number of lanes or width of the pci "bus" and the size of the slot on the motherboard - I am probably not saying any of this correctly because I really don't understand much about pci.

But I did try an experiment.  I had installed AOS v 5.1 on another machine whose motherboard died after installation.  I had the same Radeon x600 card installed on that machine and also setup SNAP - which was working - before the motherboard died.  However that install was legacy bios.  I took that ssd and put it in the new machine (which is UEFI with CSM) and it booted to the desktop.

The system icon shows SNAP as the driver, but it says the chip type is VESA VBE 2.0   The available resolutions on the WPS system/screen object are the same as listed in the test  routine (alt-f1 at the first AOS install menu): 640 x 480, 800 x 600, 1024 x 768, and 1280 x 1024.  Since the desktop does come up on this new machine with the Radeon X600 board I assume the machine can talk to the board - at least in some manner.  But obviously the small system that is installed to the Z drive when booting off the AOS DVD/USB stick cannot talk to the x600 board.  Hummm.


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