OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Applications

XWP 1.0.17: any availability date ?

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Hi All

Copy'N'Paste is even easier if you have a 5 button mouse eg Logitech M570 trackball  - see https://www.trackballmouse.org/logitech-wireless-trackball-m570/ - as you can set buttons 4 & 5 to do the Copy and Paste in the System Setup -> Mouse object.

May also be worth remembering that Shift+Delete will Cut selected text in an entryfield and Shift+Insert will Paste it elsewhere - don't forget to paste it back into the original entryfield if it is needed there  :-)



Dave Yeo:

--- Quote from: Pete on November 09, 2024, 12:31:45 am ---
May also be worth remembering that Shift+Delete will Cut selected text in an entryfield and Shift+Insert will Paste it elsewhere - don't forget to paste it back into the original entryfield if it is needed there  :-)

--- End quote ---

Ctrl-Insert to copy. These keys also work on Windows and usually in Linux.

..is it due to UEFI, ARCAOS5.1 or beeing installed in a virtual box? I cannot install XWP anymore ("unable to open archive...")

Martin Iturbide:

--- Quote from: andreas on February 03, 2025, 10:09:04 pm ---..is it due to UEFI, ARCAOS5.1 or beeing installed in a virtual box? I cannot install XWP anymore ("unable to open archive...")

--- End quote ---
Does the error shows something else, like it can not find the wpi file on the XX directory? It happened to me with some Warpin EXEs, that it uncompress the wpi file to the /TEMP and WarpIn expects them in the same folder of the .exe. But I don't remember how it get fix.


i could fix it. install didn't work from shared folder in virtualbox. but it worked when i copied the install-file to the os2-desktop...


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