OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Applications
XWP 1.0.17: any availability date ?
Martin Iturbide:
Hi again
Checking the old (1996) NPS WPS Enhancer, I found this two little things interesting.
1) "Screen Drawing" allows you to draw over the desktop with the key combinations, that may be interesting when you are showing your screen to someone else, or taking screenshots.
2) "Windows Shadows on Desktop" is kind of a nice touch.
Dariusz Piatkowski:
I badly miss the easy RMB 'Copy/Paste/Cut' option...could we get that implemented???
Soooo handy all over the place...tired of always going up to the Menu bar and selecting from there.
Dave Yeo:
For copy and paste, just use mouse chords. Highlight with button 1, then while still holding button 1 down, press button 2, this will copy. The find where you want to paste, hold down button2 and then press button 1.
I think I got that right, it's automatic for me.
Rich Walsh:
Let me offer a generic response to the feature suggestions above. No :)
These days, I only consider new features that have very broad appeal and require little if any configuration (e.g. "Text Size"). I also shy away from features that don't need to run in the WPS process and could be implemented as standalone utilities. Finally, I avoid grandiose schemes that are likely to deliver more bugs than benefits. Some examples:
* Win keys (Martin): in these days of mobile phones where it all "just works" with almost no configuration required, how many users are still willing to go to the effort to configure stuff like this? My sense is "almost none". As it is, I doubt many people use _any_ of XWP's hotkey features, much less add to or change the existing defaults. If you want to pursue this, why not talk to Styler's maintainer?
* File descriptions and Colored dots (Devid): this was implemented by someone in 1994 and never heard from again. Why? I can see how this might be useful if you had a folder full of documents you needed to organize but in the grand scheme of things (e.g. 'C:\OS2\DLL'), not compelling.
* File Previewer (Devid): this one has broad appeal and should require little configuration, so why not implement it? Because the results would be half-assed at best. OS/2 does not support vector graphics like OSX does, so appropriately-sized thumbnails aren't possible. Further, OS/2 apps aren't designed to render the files they create on-demand, so the viewer would have to implement every supported format itself either directly of through plug-ins. Ugggh!!
* Screen drawing (Martin): what does this have to do with the WPS? Since this is used almost exclusively with screenshots, why not ask the maintainer of Gotcha! about it?
* Windows Shadows on Desktop (Martin): waaaay too DOSish if done like NPS; somewhere between waaaay too difficult and impossible if done "correctly".
* RMB 'Copy/Paste/Cut' (Dariusz): pros: broad appeal - cons: an exception list as long as your arm.
Martin Iturbide:
Hello Rich
I understand that we can not bend your will to change your mind. You are not getting paid for your work on XWorkplace and I appreciate the effort you made to include the "text size" functionality and keep bug fixing it.
I just want to reply this:
--- Quote from: Rich Walsh on November 06, 2024, 08:45:33 am ---.. If you want to pursue this, why not talk to Styler's maintainer?
--- End quote ---
The user right now has two icons for Keyboard configuration on ArcaOS. (picture attached). For something very punctual as the "Warp Key" (not the Windows Key ;D) configuratioin, I personally think it can be better to integrate that XWorkplace Keyboard WPS object instead of putting it on Styler as a extra icon, Styler is very good but it is more related to Window/Buttons Styles.
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