AN will answer you that it is not their SW.
The author is Sergey (glassman). The best you can do is find his email address or contact Eugene Gorbunoff who would know how to contact Sergey.
Sorry, meant to say Dmitry (Steklenev) and not Sergey.
Anyway, he has a webpage that also allows contacting him directly, maybe that is easier and also more efficient: is a feedback link: difference I found between the initial version of FOC contained in eCS (where it does not crash) and that in ArcaOS (where it crashes):
The install script of eCS forwards the functions "WinFileDlg","WinDefFildDlgProc","WinFreeDlgFileDlgList" from PMCTLS.DLL to PMEX.DLL but it does not "clone" them, so the original routines in PMCTLS.DLL are not accessible anymore. PMEX.DLL in turns calls into FOC.DLL.
ArcaOS on the other hand does not only forward the original functions from PMCTLS.DLL to PMEX.DLL but it also "clones" them to another ordinal so that the original procedures can be called from foc.dll, for example.
That seems to be the difference that makes FOC crash under ArcaOS but work ok under eCS. As I said, I have no probs under eCS and even regedit2.exe works just fine with FOC even though AN puts it on the exclusion list.