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K File Wizard

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thank you, kcrypto.dll will also be useful, but my question was for downloading KFW itself, as HobbesArchive site isn't accessible anymore

Martin Iturbide:

HobbesArchive is up here:
- http://hobbesarchive.com/Home/Download?path=/Hobbes/pub/os2/util/file/KFileWizard_1-1-0.zip

I'm wondering, does KCRYPTO.DLL belongs to OpenSSL ??

The latest OpenSSL (OpensSSL_1-1-1lr1.zip - 2021-08-31) I found has "crypto11.dll".
Will it be good to ask KO Myung-Hun to try to recompile "K File Wizard" with a newer DLL link? or I'm wrong here?


KO Myung-Hun:

kcrypto.dll belongs to OpenSSL, and I used the one from http://bauxite.sakura.ne.jp/software/os2/#openssl.

KO Myung-Hun


--- Quote from: Martin Iturbide on May 15, 2024, 08:51:45 pm ---Hi

HobbesArchive is up here:
- http://hobbesarchive.com/Home/Download?path=/Hobbes/pub/os2/util/file/KFileWizard_1-1-0.zip


--- End quote ---

thank you Martin, the given URL on eCSoft2 site  https://hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/os2/util/file/KFileWizard_1-1-0.zip was not accessible. Same for the OS2 OpenSSL by KO Myung-Hun which, then it can be installed as rpm package from netlabs rel repository, but as Mentore wrote here no KCRIPTO.dll present in it...

Neil Waldhauer:
I have downloaded openssl-0.9.8zh-os2knix-20151207-runtime.zip from http://bauxite.sakura.ne.jp/software/os2/#openssl.

Once I placed openssl.exe and all the dll files from that package into the KFileWizard directory, the program starts and sees the local drive.

But if I attempt to connect to my local SFTPD (Peter Moylan's SFTPServer) kfw.exe exits with a TRAP.

This is an excerpt from the server log

--- Code: ---2024-05-16 06:24:14 ******* Transaction logging started or restarted
2024-05-16 06:24:14 Getting configuration data from FTPD.INI
2024-05-16 06:24:14 [I] sftpd 1.2
2024-05-16 06:24:14 exceptq support is present
2024-05-16 06:24:14 listening on all interfaces, port 22
2024-05-16 06:24:14 sftpd 1.2 started.
2024-05-16 06:25:13 529 New client []
2024-05-16 06:25:13 529 SSH-2.0-libssh2_1.4.0
2024-05-16 06:25:13 529 diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,ssh-rsa,aes128-ctr,hmac-sha1
2024-05-16 06:25:13 529 Client has started Diffie-Helman exchange
--- End code ---

The trap file is attached.

I have installed openssl and openssl-libs from netlabs. I hope that does not interfere.


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