Question for the masses: I'm at libtiff-tools 4.0.9 level here, and the 4.6.x release has been sitting out there in EXP state, so I thought I'd take a stab at it with the pre-req of course being the baseline libtiff itself.
The libtiff-tools however drops just about all the "tiff2..." EXE tools themselves, and I see not legacy version out there that still provides these.
Specifically I am after the tiff2pdf.exe one, as PDFmergeNX uses that...
Sooo...I went back to the previous version b/c the latest & greatest doesn't quite seem to be just that.
Is there something else out there that has this? Doing a 'yum provides */tiff2pdf.exe' just lists the previous releases and shows nothing at the 4.6.x level.
Just spotted libtiff-legacy-tools, but that's at 3.9.5-2 level, and wouldn't that be an older version of libtiff-tools-4.0.9-1? (which is what I had before I executed the upgrade)