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Warpstock Europe 2024 Follow Up

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Dave Yeo:
I still mostly use SeaMonkey on ArcaOS for browsing with the occasional fallback to Dooble.
As for an up to date browser, I doubt that it can be done in this 64bit world. Developers have machines with lots of memory and don't care about systems with little memory, with basically all browsers having dropped 32 bit support.
As for Arca Noae, they're a small company, and I wouldn't be surprised if all the owners have other jobs or consultancy gigs, so no one working on it full time. There can't be much money in ArcaOS after paying IBM its share, paying for infrastructure etc. They were probably hoping for more volunteer help.
Edit: newest Dooble is based on Chromium 94, which itself is getting long in the tooth.

Andrew Stephenson:
Using DuckDuckGo (free) on Win-10 on a Dell notebook. Seems to serve my needs. The combination is, as a lady of my former acquaintance who had served in the USAF would say, "good enough for government work".

DDG has the virtue of guarding one's privacy, rejecting most of those rude probes, checking clickable buttons do not lead somewhere other than what is claimed &c. Original idea was to access the Net that way until AOS-5.1 was up and running. It seems, going by these discussions, that idea may stay at the prototype stage for a while -- which I am okay with, if I can do mes devoirs on OS/2, although moving files between systems on USB sticks gets tedious at times.

And so it goes...

Martin Iturbide:
Thanks for the interesting comments

--- Quote from: Dave Yeo on June 21, 2024, 05:12:40 am ---As for an up to date browser, I doubt that it can be done in this 64bit world. ...

--- End quote ---
We are falling again on the 64bits and memory discussion, which is not wrong, it means this is an important subject today. It is like we were living in denial, trying to stall the issue as much as we can, trying to convince our-self's that 32bits was enough, but now modern technology hit us in the face.

--- Quote from: Dave Yeo on June 21, 2024, 05:12:40 am ---As for Arca Noae, they're a small company, and I wouldn't be surprised if all the owners have other jobs or consultancy gigs, so no one working on it full time. There can't be much money in ArcaOS after paying IBM its share, paying for infrastructure etc. They were probably hoping for more volunteer help.

--- End quote ---
uhm... I think the same thing, but I always ask Lewis at Warpstock how is the Arca Noae business going on, he always says to me the it is fine and doing well. Maybe we have a different concepts of what is "fine" and "well", but maybe it is not "good enough business" to produce a modern browser or wifi drivers at a reasonable speed. Or maybe the other issue is that even that if you have a bag of money, there are not enough OS/2 skilled developers to create drivers and software that you can trust to commit to produce a final product. Or maybe there is not enough money to hire and train full time young developers to create drivers and port software. Sorry, too much speculation from my part since I don't have enough information.

Sadly, the lack of a long term strategy of what to do with the older IBM's close source components of OS/2, it is starting to get us. The "don't fix it if it is not broken" strategy was just "boiling the frog slowly" for us.

I still want to fight it and try to have some strategy to clone as open source more OS/2 components, but I guess there is no interest and resources to do that.


PD: I know that the "boiling the frog" metaphor is not actually true, I just used it because I couldn't find a better way to describe it.


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