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Martin Iturbide:
Hello Remy.

I' now on version with your indications of downloading the file and unzipping it on the installation.
It seems to be working.

Checking the AVXCAT 2.2.pdf file, it says it works with - http://silk.apana.org.au/vorbis/oggvorbis-1.2.0-os2.zip
Will it work fine with https://hobbesarchive.com/Home/Download?path=/Hobbes/pub/os2/apps/mmedia/sound/convert/OggVorbis_1-3-3.wpi
Do you think it will be fine to update to it?



--- Quote from: Martin Iturbide on January 08, 2025, 01:38:25 am ---Hello Remy.

I' now on version with your indications of downloading the file and unzipping it on the installation.
It seems to be working.

Checking the AVXCAT 2.2.pdf file, it says it works with - http://silk.apana.org.au/vorbis/oggvorbis-1.2.0-os2.zip
Will it work fine with https://hobbesarchive.com/Home/Download?path=/Hobbes/pub/os2/apps/mmedia/sound/convert/OggVorbis_1-3-3.wpi
Do you think it will be fine to update to it?


--- End quote ---

Hi Martin,

PDF typo (should be 1.3.3 now - older version may work too  ::)) Thanks having seen this
I'm going to update it to prevent regression.

Could you give a test on prereqs exe ? check found missings tools/dlls and save results into files (from the menu) and look at them for provided links?
note: If no ogg installed, it will provide v1.3.3 link


Hi Martin,

I updated AVxCAT to FP1 (small update process change) and updated pdf ogg link.

Since AVxCAT V2.1.1, update information are available into following file too.
Update filename as well MD5 checksum >  https://remydodin.levillage.org/doc/realisations/updates/avxcat21.updt


Martin Iturbide:
Hello Remy

Do you plan to update our website?
- https://remydodin.levillage.org/en/realisations.php?item=6900&id=realisations

I was going to post the 2.2 update as a OS2world news, but I don't know if it is formally released yet, or you want to wait?



--- Quote from: Martin Iturbide on January 16, 2025, 11:00:21 pm ---Hello Remy

Do you plan to update our website?
- https://remydodin.levillage.org/en/realisations.php?item=6900&id=realisations

I was going to post the 2.2 update as a OS2world news, but I don't know if it is formally released yet, or you want to wait?


--- End quote ---

Hello Martin,

I made a WPI including an updated alpha prereqs tools (for missing packages links list/get missing pakages)

You can add this link for the WPI full install (add the missing " : " into the link name)

For only latest updates, check for filename and its MD5 checksum >  https//remydodin.levillage.org/doc/realisations/updates/avxcat21.updt

note1: update files are under the same path as WPI's
note2: for zip files uncluding @unixroot as first directory level, creating a @unixroot symlink makes the unzip easy.
            e.g. on the unixroot drive, a few usefull commands
            ln -s . @unixroot'    /* ln cmd to create symlink */
            unzip zip_file.zip    /* file will be unzipped ignoring @unixroot */
            rm @unixroot       /* remove symlink */

I didn't update my webpage yet and I will done in a few weeks (working more on prereqs)     


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