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ArcaOS v5.1 and VirtualBox OS/2 Version

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Mark Szkolnicki:
Hi All!

Having a rather quiet emergency season at the moment, I've been able to get back around to my to do list, and finally have time to set-up various items using ArcaOS 5.1.

One item I've ran into a problem with is setting up the VirtualBox OS/2 version to run on ArcaOS 5.1.

I'm still using VBox 5.0.51, which has worked perfectly under ArcaOS v5.0.8, and still continues to do so.

Doing the installation under v5.1, paralleling my 5.0.8 installation, I've so far.

1) Installed all the necessary packages using ANPM.
2) Added the necessary statements in Config.sys:


Running VirtualBox.exe, I'm getting the "Failed to create the VirtualBoxClient.COM Object" we've seen before, with the following detail statement:


Its a different detail than I've seen before (the last time the problem was traced to my SET LIBCX_HIGHMEM=2 having a typo).

So I was just wondering the following today:

1) First, is anyone using the OS/2 version successfully under ArcaOS v5.1?

2) Has anyone run into NS_ERROR_FACTORY_NOT_REGISTERED and found a workaround.

I've attached the actual message to the post below.

Thanks in advance guys for any bright ideas and Best! as always.


Martin Iturbide:
Hello Mark

In my case I don't have Virtual Box installed on my ArcaOS 5.1 VM machine, so I proceeded to install it:

I got:
1) http://hobbesarchive.com/Home/Download?path=/Hobbes/pub/os2/apps/emulator/VirtualBox_5-0-51.zip
2) Installed "yum install libaio"
3) I followed your comments on the config.sys

--- Code: ---SET LIBCX_HIGHMEM=2

--- End code ---

When I run VirtualBox.exe I get your same error.  "Callee RC: NS_ERROR_FACTORY_NOT_REGISTERED (0x80040154)"

As a general comment, since this version of VirtualBox was compiled on 2018, I really hope/wish that someone can recompile it just point to our currents DLLs. (if it works). I guess the full source code is here: http://trac.netlabs.org/vbox/browser?order=name


Dave Yeo:

--- Quote from: Martin Iturbide on June 28, 2024, 11:13:04 pm ---As a general comment, since this version of VirtualBox was compiled on 2018, I really hope/wish that someone can recompile it just point to our currents DLLs. (if it works). I guess the full source code is here: http://trac.netlabs.org/vbox/browser?order=name

--- End quote ---

Thought I'd give it a try, or at least see where newer GCC's have broken it. Unluckily I'm having a hell of a time downloading the source. I've downloaded about 1.5 GB's so far. It runs for a while updating the files, then stalls though I see I'm downloading at close to 500KB/s, eventually times out, have to do a "svn cleanup" and redo "svn up"
The correct command for the source is,

--- Code: ---svn checkout https://svn.netlabs.org/repos/vbox/ vbox

--- End code ---
Adjust the last argument to how you want the source labeled.
More later when I get the source downloaded.
BTW, IIRC, the workaround for that error was to wait a while and retry.

Andi B.:
For some reasons I stay with 5.0.6. I remember playing a while to get 5.0.51 working as stable as 5.0.6 but gave up. Would be fine if we could make a newer version working. Although I'm sure the biggest problem of VBOX for us (massive usage of lower shared memory) isn't better with newer versions.

--- End quote ---

Would suggest VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT=2816 instead. Here strange things happen with 3072. I've noted some time ago " neither simplebrowser nor Seamonkey nor ndpiso plugin works with 3072 -> 2900"

Mark Szkolnicki:

--- Quote from: Martin Iturbide on June 28, 2024, 11:13:04 pm ---
2) Installed "yum install libaio"

--- End quote ---

Hi Martin!

For 5.0.51, I actually followed the READMEOS2 installation instructions included with 5.0.6, when I installed it many years ago (don't know if the one on hobesarchive has a README for installation. Using those instructions I was able to get 5.0.51 to run with the following:

It said the following packages were required:

How to "Install" and Run

1. Run the following lines in order to install all required rpm/yum packages

   yum install libc libgcc1 libcx libstdc++6 libstdc++
   yum install libsupc++6 libsupc++ libgcc-fwd
   yum install gettext libxml2 libxslt openssl libcurl zlib
   yum install libidl libvncserver libaio SDL glib2
   yum install libqt4 pthread libvpx libpng libjpeg
   yum install urpo yum install expat curl mmap

Some of these packages may have been depreciated since v5.1 of ArcaOS was released

The rest of the installation instructions were:

2. Unpack this archive somewhere.

3. Make sure you have a dot (.) in your LIBPATH statement in CONFIG.SYS.

4. Put the following line at the beginning of your CONFIG.SYS
   and reboot:


5. Go to <somewhere> and run VirtualBox.exe (Qt GUI frontend).

6. Note that by default VirtualBox stores all user data in the
   %HOME%\.VirtualBox directory. If %HOME% is not set, it will use
   the <boot_drive>:\.VirtualBox directory. In either case, you may
   overwrite the location of this directory using the VBOX_USER_HOME
   environment variable.

Reviewing the thread from a few years back, we found the SET LIBCX_HIGHMEM=2 was required in order for it to run as well as upping VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT, which were not part of the original information instructions.

Once it is running correctly I also found that when you start the OS2 VBOX (ie. have the startup window up and running) that I needed to wait 15 seconds or above to startup the chosen virtual operating system.

I suspect that it is about the DLL's as well.




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