Public Discussions > General Discussion

gmail validation is not supported ?

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KO Myung-Hun:

I'm trying to my email of OS2World to gmail. But I could not receive validation email from OS2World.

OTOH, I could receive validation email to other email address than gmail.

OS2World does not support Google gmail ? I could not find validation emails in SPAM, too.

Martin Iturbide:
Hello  KO Myung-Hun

I don't understand the issue. The OS2World forum has some limitations and sometimes I found issues sending emails. I can not update the forum script, because Firefox 45 does not work on it.

Are you trying change your OS2World forum password?  Feel free to write to martiniturbide -at-


KO Myung-Hun:
I want to change my email to [komh78 at].

However, if I try to change on OS2 World, I cannot login because my new email has not been validated. I cannot receive any emails from OS2 World.

Anyway, if you change my email to [komh78 at] it would be grateful.

In addition, it would be better that I can receive emails from OS2 World to gmail.


Martin Iturbide:

I changed you email by hand. But I will have to keep looking for the email sending issue on the forum.


KO Myung-Hun:
I've confirmed. Thanks!


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