I recently had the need to boot to a commandline (hitting F2 on boot) and to use UNZIP to overwrite a couple of files that would prevent proper system operation.
However, when I called the "unzip.exe" version 6.00 that is installed via YUM, the bootup commandline would hang and the unzip help screen would never show up.
When I instead used the "unzip.exe" version 5.52 that is still in my ECS\BIN subdirectory, it would properly work without such a problem. I am sure it is not a DLL loading problem as the LIBPATH setting is the same as for the regular boot, but of course, the newer UNZIP uses different DLLs (gcc, libcn0) than the older version (which directly uses the OS/2 API).
Anyone knows what's going on or how to fix that ?