OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Applications
Lotus SmartSuite 4 on WinOS/2
Martin Iturbide:
Hi Glenn
--- Quote from: Glenn on August 05, 2024, 06:37:35 pm ---
....Plus the additional problem of full screen sessions with VBox, where my mouse cursor stays in the upper half of the virtual screen and moves half the distance it should vertically, making any control through mouse almost impossible..
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Hey, I have the same issue as a VirtualBox Guest. Maybe someday I will try it as an UEFI VM and see if the problem got fixed. I' not sure today how hard/easy can be running ArcaOS 5.1 on a UEFI VM.
--- Quote from: Olafur Gunnlaugsson on August 05, 2024, 07:50:46 pm ---.. Is Bob Eager still coding for OS/2?
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The last thing I know about him is that in 2016, when we shared some emails, and he did the awesome thing to public the source code of all his OS/2 software:
- http://www.tavi.co.uk/os2pages/v2gb.html
- https://github.com/OS2World/DRV-v2gb
--- Quote from: Dave Yeo on August 06, 2024, 12:02:00 am ---Bob's active on alt.folklore.computers, never mentions OS/2.
Are you using the latest, ver 1.3? Look at the readme.txt, at the end is the history. Or use bldlevel v2gb.sys.
Source is available and a BSD style license.
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Build Level Display Facility Version 6.12.675 Sep 25 2001
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1993-2001
Signature: @#Bob Eager:1.3#@V2GB.SYS driver
Vendor: Bob Eager
Revision: 1.03
File Version: 1.3
Description: V2GB.SYS driver
Martin Iturbide:
Thanks for the testing. I always wanted to discuss more about Win-OS/2.
I still don't know if it is only an issue of a big HDD, or the format HPFS vs JFS. Or is it a mix of both?
Do you think a ticket should be open to Arca Noae? Do we have enough information to report some bug/limitation?
Can the 2GBFix issue be related to this ticket too?
Hi Martin,
I may be getting old and have used OS/2 since v 1.20 (1989) but I have never heard of JPFS or do you mean JFS?
Martin Iturbide:
Yes, I mean JFS. I just corrected it.
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