OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Applications
Lotus SmartSuite 4 on WinOS/2
I do not remember having got it working under win os/2 !
MS Office 4.2 also hangs up with a 100% CPU load when checking the available disk memory. Reason: the installer doesn't like large partitions... maybe the Lotus too?
Olafur Gunnlaugsson:
No problems encountered except PM groups were not created, did you guys remember to install from a full screen session?
Tried both the nordic and Lotus SmartSuite 4.0 (1996-08-02) (ISO) version from Winworld
Dave Yeo:
--- Quote from: Olafur Gunnlaugsson on August 04, 2024, 06:08:05 pm ---No problems encountered except PM groups were not created, did you guys remember to install from a full screen session?
Tried both the nordic and Lotus SmartSuite 4.0 (1996-08-02) (ISO) version from Winworld
--- End quote ---
What size partition did you install to?
Martin Iturbide:
Hello Dave
In my case, I experience the same issue, on VirtualBox I have 42GB VHDD.
- DOS VDM sees 2147450880 bytes free.
I will try to create a small VHDD or smaller partition to try it out.
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