OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Applications
VLC v 3.0.21 not starting
Doug Clark:
I am using AOS 5.1,
I have 3.0.18 installed in e:\programs\vlc3018
and 3.0.21 installed in e:\programs\vlc2
To start 3.0.18 I use the cmd file
set beginlibpath=e:\Programs\vlc3018\usr\local\lib;e:\usr\local\lib;e:\usr\lib;
and to (not) start 3.0.21 the cmd file
set beginlibpath=e:\Programs\vlc2\usr\local\lib;e:\usr\local\lib;e:\usr\lib;
I really don't need the e:\usr\local\lib;e:\usr\lib;
that is at the end of the BEINGLIBPATHs, but it is there to be redundant
Dave Yeo:
--- Quote from: Doug Clark on August 05, 2024, 12:36:26 am ---Thanks Dave,
popup log says
08-04-2024 16:33:18 SYS2070 PID 006c TID 0001 Slot 00db
08-04-2024 16:33:18 SYS2070 PID 006c TID 0001 Slot 00db
08-04-2024 16:33:19 SYS2070 PID 006e TID 0001 Slot 00db
08-04-2024 16:33:19 SYS2070 PID 006e TID 0001 Slot 00db
and when I try to run YUM or AOS package manager I get the message
database disk image is malformed
so I can't check any libraries.
--- End quote ---
OK, looks like you need a newer libc, or you have an old one on LIBPATH that is getting loaded.
Not sure what to do about malformed database, looks like you tried the obvious fixes.
You could do the nuclear option, that would mean reinstalling a bunch of RPM's.
Nuclear option. Go to @unixroot/usr/lib and run "unlock *.dll", move \usr, \var, and \etc out of the way, run ANPM, reboot when it asks you to. Install needed RPM's. Ask for advice if something like Python screws up. Create a backup.
Andy Willis:
Weird, I too am getting the Error: database disk image is malformed
Dave Yeo:
--- Quote from: Andy Willis on August 05, 2024, 03:47:45 am ---Weird, I too am getting the Error: database disk image is malformed
--- End quote ---
I just ran ANPM, downloaded a lot of data, and then gave me the same error. Luckily I have a backup.
I'd advise others not to run ANPM or YUM for now as it seems to be a problem upstream.
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