OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Applications
ANPM database error
--- Quote from: Dave Yeo on August 07, 2024, 06:40:36 am ---Lewis has rebuilt the database at 2rosenthals.com so can disable netlabs release and enable the mirror at https://repos.arcanoae.com/release/$releasever/. See https://www.arcanoae.com/wiki/anpm/ for more info
Edit: Might need a "yum clean" to get working
--- End quote ---
I still get an error, after removing the Netlabs server. I wish that Lewis, in the same way that ArcaOS ISO images are generated with the serial number automatically online, could create a way to automatically generate ANPM configuration files, with identifiers, proper servers, etc..
Eugene Tucker:
Did not work for me either.
Mark Szkolnicki:
--- Quote from: Dave Yeo on August 07, 2024, 06:40:36 am ---Lewis has rebuilt the database at 2rosenthals.com so can disable netlabs release and enable the mirror at https://repos.arcanoae.com/release/$releasever/. See https://www.arcanoae.com/wiki/anpm/ for more info
Edit: Might need a "yum clean" to get working
--- End quote ---
Tried Dave's and Lewis's instructions this afternoon, and was able to get the ANPM file listings again, by:
1) going into ANPM
2) Going to Manage - Repositories on the menu
3) Right clicking on netlabs-rel and changing status to disable
4) Then clicking on Repository - Add - Yum Repository
5) When the information fill-in box comes up, putting in a name (I used 2Rosenthals)
6) Dragging the link Dave provided to the URL box (the drag spawns a URL object which can be placed into the box)
7) Pressing Save, closing the fill-in box
I did not need to exit ANPM and restart or do YUM Clean-up - ANPM went through its filelist update sequence and the file listings reappeared.
Haven't tried to update or add anything yet, but at least that got past the "File malformed" problem.
Mark Szkolnicki:
--- Quote from: Dave Yeo on August 07, 2024, 06:40:36 am ---Lewis has rebuilt the database at 2rosenthals.com so can disable netlabs release and enable the mirror at https://repos.arcanoae.com/release/$releasever/. See https://www.arcanoae.com/wiki/anpm/ for more info
Edit: Might need a "yum clean" to get working
--- End quote ---
I have done a number of updates to the 5.0.7 partition where I made the ANPM filelist update modifications, so everything copacetic so far - I don't know where those files reside but haven't run into any problems so far.
Dave Yeo:
Yes, it worked fine for me basically the same way you (Mark) described. I did clean everything just to be safe.
Another way is to create a file, @unixroot\etc\yum\repos.d\ARCANOAE-REL.REPO containing something like,
--- Code: ---[arcanoae-rel]
name=ArcaNoae stable repository $releasever
--- End code ---
and in the neighbouring NETLABS-REL.REPO, change the enabled=1 to enabled=0.
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