OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Applications

Newb question - DOS VDM Session


DOS Window doesn’t show a directory and some files I downloaded. Yet OS/2 window does?

What am I doing wrong?

Martin Iturbide:
Welcome to the forum RamiroElliot

Which version of ArcaOS or OS/2 are you using?
Is the DOS prompt showing something strange that you can not see right? Can you post a picture?


Dariusz Piatkowski:

--- Quote from: ramiroelliot on October 14, 2024, 04:58:12 am ---DOS Window doesn’t show a directory and some files I downloaded. Yet OS/2 window does?

What am I doing wrong?

--- End quote ---

8.3 char filename limitation?

Dave Yeo:
As Dariusz says, DOS can only see 8.3 names, including the directory or directories above where you have the program. Likely the directory name needs to be shortened. Note that the WPS (OS/2 graphical shell) will use an extended attribute, .longname if you use it to rename the directory, so perhaps copy or xcopy the directory to a short name at a OS/2 cmd prompt.
Another solution is to use a FAT32 volume, FAT32 will show a shortname like dir~tory.


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