OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Setup & Installation

WSeB Server parts on ARcaOS 5.1 with installed Samba - what to deinstall?

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David McKenna:
 Hi Sigurd,

  This is a total shot in the dark: do you have the 'STUBFSD.IFS ISOFS' line in CONFIG.SYS? If so try disabling that. Maybe disable UDF.IFS too, reboot then retry.


Roderick Klein:

--- Quote from: David McKenna on October 26, 2024, 01:17:14 pm --- Hi Sigurd,

  This is a total shot in the dark: do you have the 'STUBFSD.IFS ISOFS' line in CONFIG.SYS? If so try disabling that. Maybe disable UDF.IFS too, reboot then retry.


--- End quote ---

Thats not the cause! The issue is this PGM file is ran by the PEER installer. Alex his installer calls the PEER installer and then the peer installer calls this PGM file.
I asked if this ran in Virtualbox as I have sometimes seen the peer installer crash because of this reason.

Sigurd try running the system with /MAXCPU=1 behind ACPI.PSD and see if this is an SMP issue. Normally this installer is ran with a single CPU core switched on.
Try this and let us know what then happens.


Sigurd Fastenrath:
Thank you Roderick and David, but none of the tipps helped. The same POPUPLOG.OS2 as before.

Doug Clark:

One more shot in the dark.  Try temporarily removing


where E:\ is your UNIXROOT
from your CONFIG.SYS before you run the install. 

I think I remember there is a conflict in one of the DLLs or executables in the unix stuff with something in the IBM networking stuff.  If that is the case this might explain why it worked before and this time, when you have the samba stuff already installed, it fails.

Checking my WSeB over AOS 5.1 install (which has Samba installed but it was installed after WSeB) I see that I have the USR\LIB and USR\LOCAL\LIB after all the networking stuff in LIBPATH.

Sigurd Fastenrath:
Thanks Doug,

but unfortunately no change.

I think, I will start from scratch once I have time for it.

Thanks to all!


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