OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Setup & Installation

TCP/IP 4.3 patches

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Dave Yeo:

--- Quote from: Tom on November 12, 2024, 12:01:13 am ---
--- Quote from: Dave Yeo on November 11, 2024, 10:46:38 pm ---Sadly, I tried to go to ftp://ps.boulder.ibm.com/ps/products/tcpip/fixes/readme.txt. Wants a login, tried anonymous and then it wants a TLS connection

--- End quote ---

Use instead https://public.dhe.ibm.com/ps/products/tcpip/fixes/readme.txt

--- End quote ---

Thanks, bookmarked.

Neil Waldhauer:
Thanks for the links. Of course, the fixes are a messy mixture of public, Software Choice and Passport Advantage. I was able to figure out that installation of TCP/IP 4.3 had failed due to missing prerequisites. I may not have the latest of everything yet, but VBoxService is working and therefore shared folders.

You presumably need to update both, MPTS and also TCPIP:


Neil Waldhauer:
Thanks, Lars. The pages on Alex Taylor's website that you provided show clearly what needs to be done, and which packages are Software Choice or Passport Advantage.

I did find TCPIP32.DLL in TCP/IP 4.3, but I wonder if it is also in one of the freely available fixpaks.

I can find it in here:

but of course, that is just an addon patch to TCP 4.3.

The good thing is that it also contains all the relevant protocol and socket drivers and the other DLLs that work together with TCPIP32.DLL (for example TCPIPDLL.DLL that I seem to remember is the interfacing DLL for 16-bit apps using the older BSD Version 4.3 API and TCP32DLL.DLL is the interfacing DLL for 32-bit apps using the older BSD Version 4.3 API, see also the TCP/IP Version 4.21 Programming Reference that comes with the OS/2 toolkit: "Introduction to Networking Services).


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