OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Hardware
Monitor suggestions
Hi Per
The issues with the rx 7800xt are more likely to be a graphics card failing than cheap/dodgy cables.
You could check that the graphics card is seated in slot correctly.
Per E. Johannessen:
Hi Pete,
I have checked that the card was properly seated several times, also tried different slots.
A friend of mine checked it in his computer and the card worked fine there.
I opened a ticket in a Lenovo forum and hopefully someone comes up with a solution.
If not, I'll get a new GPU, any recommendations for one with minimum 12G RAM?
Hi Per
I seem to recall reading somewhere that some recent/current graphics cards will only work properly with a UEFI bios. Cannot find where I read that though to double check...
If the above is right are you using the rx 7800xt with a UEFI system?
No, Sorry, cannot recommend any particular current graphics card.
Per E. Johannessen:
I was wondering about that as well and asked Sapphire, they replied: This model is hybrid bios support both Legacy/ UEFI mode, no worry for this.
Hi Per
A few years back I had a monitor that was failing. Sometimes at Power On I had a blank screen other times the screen was a "white out". This happened less often during reboots.
I initially thought the graphics card was failing but that tested OK in 2 other systems. I then swapped monitors and the problem moved to the system that I had swapped monitors with. Turned out to be a power supply intermittently failing in the monitor.
Could it be the monitor rather than the RX 580 graphics card 'showing signs of "giving up"'?
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