OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Programming
CPUMON - source code location?
Dariusz Piatkowski:
I have Trevor Hemsley's CPUMON here and I love the overall arrangment / functionality that little util has...BUT...there are a few things I'd like to change: the graph legend as getting past the 2-4 core CPUs these days produces a bit of a mess, colour sync between the lines and CPUx on the legend, provide for a user-controllable refresh rate, etc.
Needless to say, I looked everywhere and haven't found the sources...any ideas where I might though?
Paul Smedley:
Trevor appears to be on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/trevorhemsley/?originalSubdomain=uk - perhaps try messaging him?
Martin Iturbide:
Hello Dariusz
I think I found his work email, I'm sending Trevor an email and politely asking him if it can be posible to open source it because there is interest in CPU Monitor.
Let's see if he writes back.
Dariusz Piatkowski:
Ahhh...never thought about that avenue...good stuff, sent him a msg.
Much appreciated sir! Hopefully between my LinkedIn shout-out and your email we'll get a positive response.
Thank you gents!
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