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OS/2 - ArcaOS Santa's List for 2025

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Dave Yeo:
Really depends on what framework they're using. Having to implement something to use the Presentation Manager and the WPS can be a huge job.
You could always reach out to them and find out what would be involved in a port.

Ibrahim Hakeem:
Looking at the system requirements, the oldest setup Winflector could theoretically run on is a Linux environment from the latter half of 2007.

I'm optimistic that this could potentially be an "easy-win" for us, but as Dave said: it comes down to asking them about the required work & weighing it against the task of porting to PM & WPS.

My biggest thought on this is in regards to the vast majority of developers for new OS/2 software, who are hobbyists undertaking open-source projects in their spare time. I'm suspecting that Winflector would hardly be interested in a licensing deal for a platform so small, meaning that a successful implementation of this idea would involve a lot of unpaid work for a paywalled closed-source application; something which most open-source hobbyists rightfully do not want to deal with regardless of what benefit it might lead to.

One of the only saving graces would be if it so happens there is an industrial use/interest in such a service - I suspect this is not the case as AN would've likely gotten on top of it quite some time ago.

Dave Yeo:
OK, it uses GTK. That would be a huge job to port, much like Qt. While nice to have, I can't imagine it being ported.
It can also run in a browser, so that might be a possibility, though even for that there's a good chance it needs something we don't have, webgl or node.js.

Ibrahim Hakeem:

--- Quote from: Dave Yeo on December 05, 2024, 08:31:43 pm ---OK, it uses GTK. That would be a huge job to port, much like Qt. While nice to have, I can't imagine it being ported.
It can also run in a browser, so that might be a possibility, though even for that there's a good chance it needs something we don't have, webgl or node.js.

--- End quote ---

My bad, Dave, I forgot about the strife we have with GTK. I take back most of what I said before  ;D

The big question is 'why would we need it?'  Until there is a reasonable answer to that question I see no point in considering it.


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