Winflector, while a paid application, has something of immense value to us all ... they offer a free 1-user server license, and the clients are free. No time limits ...
Thus, on my AToF solution (everything running on one desktop/laptop), you are delivering 64-bit apps to your OS/2 vm, all for free. Or, you can put the server somewhere else on your home network, and deliver 64-bit apps to your dedicated OS/2 machine. That's a lot of value for the OS/2 community, which I suspect is much bigger than a few users ...
Commercially, we all guesstimate that this user pool is quite large, from hints dropped, and focus of ArcaNoae ... I'm beating the drum as loudly as I can, at the past two Warpstocks and elsewhere, and at last Warpstock, AN did mention that they should look further into Winflector. If ArcaNoae talks to Winflector, there could be lots of symmetry in that relationship ... plus, AN has the true numbers for OS/2, commercial and non-commercial.
This would really help the community out, while we try to get more open-source apps converted to native.
Imagine a new OS/2 developer sitting at a laptop (running in AToF fashion) & pounding out code ... developing on an ArcaOS desktop that runs any 64-bit (or other) app he or she would ever need, via Winflector.