OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Programming

time during compiling

(1/2) > >>

Hello all,

I was wondering if its possible to add a time to see howlong a build takes.
I have a build cmd like:

NJS=$(( MAXCORES > 1 ? MAXCORES : 1 ))
echo "Cleaning previous compiled files..."
rm -r qmake-qt6-gcc1420
echo "Make a new directory..."
mkdir qmake-qt6-gcc1420
cd qmake-qt6-gcc1420
echo "Creating the Makefile..."
qmake6 ../ -r -spec os2-g++ -r CONFIG+="release" 2>&1 |tee qmake.out
echo "Compiling the programma with $NJS threads ($NCORES cores)..."
make -j$NJS 2>&1 |tee make.out
echo "Done."

I like to see how long a compiling takes in time
So is it possible to add some strings in this cmd  ??
As i have no idea how to add or what string to use.
Could someone helps me out

With kind regards, TeLLie

Dave Yeo:
I use timex.exe from the old AIX like package, attached.
timex build.cmd or timex make, etc.

Martin Iturbide:
Hello Dave

The TIMEX you posted is from 1995-03-02 (26.1KB). On Hobbes there is "AIXTools_1997-01-25.zip" with TIMEX 1996-01-12 (26.9 KB). I guess both are the same with different compile times, right?

Sorry if I'm being annoying, It is just because I like collecting the software.


Dave Yeo:
I'd assume they're the same code, it is a pretty simple program. Possible some other utility was updated.

Rich Walsh:

--- Quote from: TeLLie on December 20, 2024, 06:48:23 pm ---I was wondering if its possible to add a time to see howlong a build takes.

--- End quote ---

I use:

--- Code: ---@date.exe > ..\bld.log
@cmake --build . --parallel 6  | tee -a ..\bld.log
@date.exe >> ..\bld.log

--- End code ---

'date.exe' is the standard *nix util, not the OS/2 "date" command


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