Do we have a way/program that will wipe a hard disk back to 'as new' state?
On top of what others have suggested/said, ISTR that, should you ever need to do a "security erase" on a mechanical HDD, even track-overwriting can fail. The reasoning: each write operation on a mechanical drive is liable to wander slightly, owing to temperature-based expansion/contraction, physical slackness of bearings &c; so the recording operation that laid down the precious information is unlikely to register perfectly with the erase operation; and careful disassembly of the HDD and analysis of what is on the disks may reveal enough of the "erased" data track(s).
So, should you ever have to dispose of a mechanical HDD with top-secret stuff on it, consider taking it out of the computer and burning it in a
hot fire.
Whether similar "gotchas" apply to solid state HDDs, I dunno. For normal purposes, I tend to agree with others' suggestions -- but I see you replied while I have been typing this, so maybe the HDD is faulty? (FWIW, ISTR DRDOS-7 has a mode in XDEL that overwrites every file with blanks.)
Last Moment Thought: once, MS-DOS saw an important 3.5" floppy formatted under OS/2, decided it was mis-formatted and (without asking) messed with details such as to make it "faulty" under OS/2. But a pass through CHKDSK fixed things. (*whew* -- because I was thousands of mles from home.) So, did you try dear old CHKDSK?