OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Applications

SOLVED: Thunderbird - SM email makes system trap in Warp 4.52 but ok in Arcaos5

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Hi all, have virtual machines both OS2 Warp 4.52 and ArcaOS 5 (virtualbox) , and recently discovered that now the email client of Seamonkey -assuming same as Thunderbird-, cause a system trap when calling the "email client" window from Seamonkey (no problem if I start a new message compose), only in Os2 W4.52, all ok in ArcaOS 5. Cannot understand the cause, SM version are same 2.42.9esr. dll issue in Warp4.52?  It has been working fine since some time ago. Maybe caused by a QT5 update made for Dooble ?
Do not know.
Thank you for any help

Dave Yeo:
Memory issue? Are you marking the DLL's to load high? Are you using smturbo? And of course, have you tried a different profile

Hi Dave

--- Quote from: Dave Yeo on January 16, 2025, 05:13:19 pm ---Memory issue? Are you marking the DLL's to load high?

--- End quote ---
believe not, I would need a refresh on how-to

--- Quote --- Are you using smturbo?

--- End quote ---

don't know smturbo, can you advice the use?

--- Quote ---And of course, have you tried a different profile

--- End quote ---

yes, seems not solving the issue.
Anyhow still do not understand why OK in ArcaOS5 and KO in WARP4.52 , unless ArcaOS5 itself applies highmem feature.
Thank you much

Dave Yeo:
Easiest to get the highmem.exe and smturbo.exe from your ArcaOS install. X:\sys\apps\anturbo\smturbo.exe and x:\usr\bin\highmem.exe. Put highmem.exe on your path and smturbo.exe in your SM directory.
With SM closed, run highmem -c \path\to\seamonkey\*dll and then put smturbo.exe in your startup folder. You can run it too after the highmem command.
This will load the SM dlls into highmem and keep them there even after closing SM. This is important to work around kernel bugs in the 4.52 kernel.
And yes, ArcaOS has smturbo install (and after installing uninstall) in the SeaMonkey desktop folder. You do have to run it yourself and possibly you did.

made all what suggested, no improve.
Seamonkey.exe opens the browser, if start composing a new message (FILE menu) it let me do it, but goes in system trap as I try to open the Mail & Newsgroup window (WINDOWS menu) see message in the attached picture.
Repeat, it has worked OK since time ago, unfortunately I ignore after which software/installation has stopped to work properly.
I feel something related to QT5 stuff introduced for Dooble installation, but however made same on ArcaOS and no issue there
Thank you


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