Author Topic: Intel 2915 abg Wireless and WPA2 with Genmac  (Read 25518 times)

Holger Schuett

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Re: Intel 2915 abg Wireless and WPA2 with Genmac
« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2014, 09:09:58 am »
...unless the new supplicant, and/or XWLAN, fixes the problem...
It seems to me the problem is either in genmac or wpa_supplicant. TTBOMK XWLAN starts the supplicant and waits for a valid secured connection before it fires up dhclient or ..... If connection is not established through the supplicant there seems to be nothing I can do in XWLAN against this problem. If someone proves me wrong I'll look into this. F.i. if it was possible to establish a connection with Pauls build of the wpa GUI but not with XWLAN this would change things. I'm sorry but currently it does not make sense to me searching this problem in XWLAN.
Hi Andi,
what I would be willing to do right now is to install ecs on the x61. As mentioned I had similar problems concerning xwlan and wpa2 on this machine too which were solved by using the gui which comes with the P.Smedley supplicant. (the device is an intell 2200)
What I would need to know: are there any log-files, output-files etc that would help to gather information.
I would install the ecs2.2 beta and the latest xwlan etc.



Andi B.

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Re: Intel 2915 abg Wireless and WPA2 with Genmac
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2014, 11:53:41 am »
...are there any log-files, output-files etc that would help to gather information....

1. Personally I use this Rexx script which constantly monitors my LAN connections. I've this cli window open all the time when testing switching between wired and wireless LAN

2. XWLAN (both versions, widget and wlanstat) do have the menu option to display output from wpa_supplicant. So you see what the supplicant does. There are different verbosity options too.

3. If you activate the setting to get IP addresses automatically XWLAN3.12beta fires up dhclient in a hidden window. It's easily found in the xwp Tasklist and there you see dhclient log. But you can configure XWLAN to redirect the dhclient output to a log file too. In this case no window will be created but the log file written. Configuration for this is in XWLAN TCP/IP settings dialog.

Worth to mention - if you switch between wired and wireless interface XWLAN will let the wired connection up and running until the wireless is established.

Andi B.

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Re: Intel 2915 abg Wireless and WPA2 with Genmac
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2014, 08:58:01 pm »
Just found this in the change history for v3.11 -
fixed error in GenMac module preventing from using WPA encryption with certain drivers

No clue which drivers and if is of any help for you.