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DISKCACHE causes delays on JFS volumes

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Sergey Posokhov:
Since august 2013 (i.e. during the last year) I saw random delays from 3 to 15 seconds on JFS volume when reading files or directory nodes. This also affected to WPS and PMView 2000 - they both hanged randomly.

Defragfs.exe didn't help.

Then I added "REM" before "DISKCACHE=..." statement in "Config.sys" - and all these delays gone away.

Where can I report about this bug?..

G. M. Anchieri:
I have this statement in my config.sys file: DISKCACHE=1024,LW,32
and  never had problem with my numerous JFS disk, probably that format it's also the standard if this statement was missed.   

Greggory Shaw:

--- Quote from: Sergey Posokhov on June 16, 2014, 10:36:21 am ---
Then I added "REM" before "DISKCACHE=..." statement in "Config.sys" - and all these delays ...

--- End quote ---

I was wondering about that statement and my SSD. I had a lot of problems on shutdown (chk disk on next startup).  But, then it just corrected itself or something - I didn't do anything.


As far as I know DISKCACHE is only of use with FAT formatted drives so is useless with a JFS system.  Also it is not needed with floppy disks or anything formatted as FAT32.

Doug Bissett:

--- Quote ---Then I added "REM" before "DISKCACHE=..." statement in "Config.sys" - and all these delays gone away.
--- End quote ---

Odd. The DISKCACHE statement is to configure the FAT cache (not for diskette drives). It shouldn't have anything to do with JFS (but I won't say that it doesn't).

This is what ConfigTool has to say about REMing it: "If you have a FAT partition on your hard drive and you REM this statement, OS/2 will automatically set up a 64k cache by default". I am not sure what it does if there is no FAT partition. You may find that any FAT device (other than diskettes) will not work without it.


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