What do you think? Theoretically?
Theorically the idea is good. But currently we have the limitation that we lack a lot of thing.
If I look it from the developer resource that we have from this community we have:
- Right now, Qt, OpenJDK are getting old, and Firefox, SWT-Eclipse and OpenOffice are active (if we talk about Bitwiseworks).
- From the other side we have Alex Taylor which have very good PM skills but it is busy (I guess) building up eCS package (installer, PM apps, etc).
- David, Steven and Lars are more focused on drivers, and everybody request drivers on this platform.. so drivers may be a never-ending story.
The other active developers (
http://www.os2world.com/wiki/index.php/Category:Active_Developers) since they are stand alone, it is hard for them to have full focus on development.
But money can make magic. Just like you said, I think that the companies that have paid corporate sponsors should also try to put on the goals to try to clone (open source) close source components for the platform. Why? Because if we don't start today to replicate the base of OS/2, and create a free (as a freedom) clone, in some years the corporate sponsors will migrate to other platforms and it will end the funding.
The companies that have sponsors should also think about this. Making drivers and porting libraries it is a short-term strategy for the platform. Cloning PM and other APIs is long term strategy.... why it has to be Open Source? ...becuase remember that IBM dropped this platform on the past.