@ Martin ---- note to self --- must reply to posts a lot quicker ----- no it wasn't me in the last 9 seconds....not this time at least! I probably have too many copies of OS/2. Thank God the days of 100 floppy disks are gone, the amount of time I must have wasted popping in floppies only to get 90% completed and receive a 'read' error!
Actually one of my funniest (stupidest?) moments was when Windows 3.1 came out. I diligently inserted all the floppies (only 6?), rebooted and was still met by the DOS prompt. I redid the installation several times over the next week or two and became increasingly frustrated!! Until I read in a computer magazine about typing the word 'win' and pressing ENTER!

At least with OS/2, when all the floppies were fed and the system rebooted it went straight to the desktop ;-) !