Sigil is one of the special cases, as it already needs Qt5 and we don't have that atm. So no chance to get a recent version i'm afraid.
As far as I remember Sigil 0.5.3 is the last version that works with Qt4.7.3. Sigil 0.6.0 series require Qt4.8.x and Sigil 0.7.x requires Qt5.0.x.
I found Sigil 0.5.3 was very usable with many improvements over the v0.2 that Paul produced, which I still use for quick corrections to epubs - saves having to start windows in VirtualBox/2.
If you can tell me what is needed to setup a build environment I have a spare computer I can dedicate to the task. It should give me something to do in the long evenings and, hopefully, keep my mind in trim - they say old dogs can't learn new tricks but this one is going to try.