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--- Quote from: Michael Holzapfel on January 24, 2013, 01:54:15 pm ------// hm.. silvan worte that qpdf will not have a plugin-based system. //---

--- End quote ---

I think that was just a typo, not should probably be now:

"Qpdfview is not getting a plugin based system also. This means with Qpdfview 0.4.0 (coming soon) you can view PDF and DjVu files. If i have enough time also PS will be there."

Silvan Scherrer:

--- Quote from: Michael Holzapfel on January 24, 2013, 01:54:15 pm ---hm.. silvan worte that qpdf will not have a plugin-based system. Beside that, it is full OK to shift some "standard" app to qt-based counterparts. At the end our system is less complex and easier to maintain. So thanks for the port!

BTW: the readme of qtpdfview is wrong:

"yum install jpeg" does not work, it is "yum install libjpeg"

Is there really a need for cups.dll? Actually cups-server is only installed on a server. I do not want to have a full cups-install on every machine.

--- End quote ---

that was really a typo. qpdfview is now getting....
i changed it already. and i will also fix the readme.


Silvan Scherrer:

--- Quote from: ivan on January 24, 2013, 02:05:45 pm ---The big problem I find with qpdfview is that if I try and open a pdf on another partition (qpdfview installed in e:\qt4-apps, want to open pdf in f:\download) it locks the machine solid and I have to power off and then on again.

--- End quote ---

do you have that with other Qt apps as well?
could you describe your system a bit more? and how was Qt installed? did you open a ticket in either Qt Apps or Qt?


Doug Bissett:
I installed QPDFView (after figuring out that there is bad information about JPEG, which should be LIBJPEG). It seems to display okay, but trying to print locks the program, and the desktop. I can CAD to CADH, and kill it, but something is wrong. Yes, I do have CUPS 1.4.8 installed, but it doesn't work very well with my printer (Canon i960, using the BJC-8200 CUPS driver, which is recommended for this printer. It works far better with the OMNI driver for the Canon i950).

On the bright side, I no longer have a mangled display, when scrolling a few lines at a time (at least I haven't seen such a thing, yet). I was never able to get Lucide to edit a PDF file, and QPDFView does do that, although I am not sure that the font that it uses will be acceptable to the government bureaucrats for the form that I want to edit. I will need to compare what it does to Acrobat reader in windows.

I am not sure why I would want plugins. All I ever use Lucide, or now QPDFView, for, is to read, and print, PDF files (and now, possibly, to edit them, as allowed). Since QPDFView won't print (for me), I guess I need to keep Lucide for that job.

--- Quote from: ivan on January 24, 2013, 02:05:45 pm ---The big problem I find with qpdfview is that if I try and open a pdf on another partition (qpdfview installed in e:\qt4-apps, want to open pdf in f:\download) it locks the machine solid and I have to power off and then on again.

--- End quote ---

I tried that. It works okay, for me. That may indicate that something in printer support is causing a problem. AH!. My CUPS printer driver is installed on my boot drive (poor choice of location, but not worth moving it now). The test, that hung, that I did was on my data drive, where I installed QPDFView. I copied the test PDF to my boot drive, and it opens with no trouble. It still hangs when I click Print. KLibc Pathrewriters might be needed. I will need to find the time to experiment with that stuff.

If I try to open a pdf from another directory than that where qpdfview is installed it complains about popqt44.dll not found. So it seems to me that qpdfview doesn't look in it's own directory for its dlls. Is that correct and does it have to be placed in the path or at least do the dlls have to be moved to a directory in the path?


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