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Convert INF to PDF
Martin Iturbide:
I want to recover all the OS/2 Toolkit documents for EDM/2, since the links to "http://cyberkinetica.homeunix.net" are now dead.
So, I want to ask permission to IBM to republish, but first I need to convert INF files to PDF format, because nobody can read INF file (with the exception of us). Plus I think that PDF will be a better format to put on the web since it can be indexed by search engines, etc.
What do you recommend me to convert the INF OS/2 Toolkit documents to PDF? or does someone has already converted (maybe I missed that)?
I tried INF2HTML which is good, but I need to go to the next step and convert it to PDF.
Dave Yeo:
if you've already converted to HTML, just load it in Firefox and print it to a PDF. (print to file with a PDF extension).
The INF format is being used more and more in the open source world with the preferred viewer being DocView, part of free pascal. http://sourceforge.net/projects/fpgui/files/fpGUI/1.2/
Andy Willis:
If you have HTML, why not use it instead of PDF? I personally would have HTML on the web and the INF for download.
--- Quote from: Martin Iturbide on September 29, 2014, 06:22:45 pm ---Hi
I want to recover all the OS/2 Toolkit documents for EDM/2, since the links to "http://cyberkinetica.homeunix.net" are now dead.
So, I want to ask permission to IBM to republish, but first I need to convert INF files to PDF format, because nobody can read INF file (with the exception of us). Plus I think that PDF will be a better format to put on the web since it can be indexed by search engines, etc.
What do you recommend me to convert the INF OS/2 Toolkit documents to PDF? or does someone has already converted (maybe I missed that)?
I tried INF2HTML which is good, but I need to go to the next step and convert it to PDF.
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I proposed the same weeks ago...but surely we need IBM permission.
--- Quote from: Andy Willis on September 29, 2014, 07:37:28 pm ---If you have HTML, why not use it instead of PDF? I personally would have HTML on the web and the INF for download.
--- End quote ---
Why could not provide both html/pdf, just like The VOICE Newsletter (html/inf)? About, we could also resurrect something similar.
--- Quote from: Dave Yeo on September 29, 2014, 07:31:35 pm ---if you've already converted to HTML, just load it in Firefox and print it to a PDF....
--- End quote ---
Yes, this a right way, Dave. Last year i made vx-rexx programming guide tutorial exporting inf/hlp from NewView into .ipf, then, using VyperHelp (or Hiperwise), converted ipf to html, and at the end, made a pdf using htmldoc and htmltopdf.
Martin Iturbide:
--- Quote from: Andy Willis on September 29, 2014, 07:37:28 pm ---If you have HTML, why not use it instead of PDF? I personally would have HTML on the web and the INF for download.
--- End quote ---
Hi Andi.
I prefer to send the IBM lawyers a pack of PDF files. If I send them some HTML files it may get stuck there, since they will need to unzip it, find the index.html, and open it from there. On this case I prefer PDF.
After the approval is does not matter if I post it on HTML or PDF.
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