Gotta say - I'm not sure how to interpret the above..... in particular the section I've highlighted in italics..............................
"Demand" was used, more for emphasis than anything else.
I do notice that you (Paul), sometimes take your time about investigating problems. I also know that that is usually because you are busy working on other, probably more important, projects. It is a fact of life that we all live within a 24 hour day.
Even Doug creates installers, so it cant be that hard for others to help out as well
Actually, building WarpIn installers is pretty easy, in most cases. I have built a few REXX scripts to do it, and they can be included in the final build process when a programmer builds the program (PMMail does that). They are nothing fancy, they just set up the environment, then execute the appropriate commands. The hard part is to make the initial *.WIS file, and add the proper stuff to the build command. After that, it is easy to build the installer by simply running the script, and making appropriate responses. I should clean that up, document it, package it, and make it available. Unfortunately, the 24 hour day is getting in the way of that too.
About CUPS.
My wishlist from my point of view is:
1) That it will not force users to install on the root (and that it will work outside the root directory)
2) That the WarpIn installer get updated / or that an RPM/YUM installer will be created.
1) That probably could be done, but it would increase the amount of work required to build CUPS. We certainly don't want to make more work for those who do work on it.
2) I have started to look at the WarpIn installer for CUPS (done by Alex T., I think), but I have not had the time to do more than look. Of course, I also need to get it working, before I package it. Again, the 24 hour day is getting in the way.
Personally, I have no use for RPM/YUM. I find that it can't even update itself, without causing problems. I also find that installing it after the initial system install, always causes problems. You need to install it when you initially install eCS (or OS/2). After that, if nothing goes wrong, it seems to work okay, but the user needs to figure out how to do it (we are back to major command line stuff, much of which makes no sense to an average user).