Intel Video Chip-set is pretty broad statement, you need to be more specific. I have not found any of the current B, H, or Z series to work correctly or post for that matter... and I build a lot of systems. I actually have gave up trying anymore. Trap errors or system hangs. Of course that relates to version 2.1
Well I was writing about eCS 2.2. also. And if you have had TRAPS or hangs we get very little to now feedback from customers. So if you opened a ticket, then oke I said nothing. If you did not open a ticket then I can not help you. And most of these traps adn hangs the knowledge in the forums here is lacking.
As for the TRAPS you have been getting on recent Intel equipment I guess that was just about after the preboot menu came up !?
Thats the TRAP D OEM HLP problem resolved with eCS 2.2.
And when you get hangs read the eCS 2.1 quickguide and specify where the hang is. Its a free world but so many people talk about getting a "hang". But eCS 2.1 and 2.0 have a chapter about what is helpful information to post. Look at chapter 6, again if you did open a ticket a said nothing :-)
Is the hang when you enable ACPI or when the last device driver is loaded., etc.
About the Intel claim.
All TRAP'd people get on modern equipment when eCS boots are duo to an OEM HLP defect fixed with the latest ACPI version. But you need to have a new ACPI version on the boot CD.
That will be fixed with eCS 2.2. Also with the new Panorama driver video performance will improve on these modern chipsets.
Currently our techteam is working on taking the last bugs out of the drivers that Lars Erdmann worked on over the last 1 to 2 years. Its clear the old IBM USB stack had its limitations the new stack is much better. A public beta of eCS 2.2 will follow in 2 1/2 weeks itme now.
eCS 2.2 beta has been tested on a lot of new current desktop and laptops and desktops. A lot of system simply work without any hassle.
Roderick Klein
Mensys B.V.
P.S. I'm the technical manager in charge of the tech team at Mensys to do device driver development