Author Topic: OS/2 software and books  (Read 14563 times)


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OS/2 software and books
« on: August 25, 2014, 07:12:55 pm »

while doing some housekeeping, I noticed that I still have a bunch of OS/2 software items and books. Rather than throwing them into the waste bin, I'd give them to anybody interested. A little something in return would be nice, e.g., an item from my Amazon wish list.

I'm located in Bochum, Germany. If you want to drop in, that's ok. National and international shipping is also possible if you pay the shipping costs.

Please note that I do not have a floppy drive any more, so I can't check whether disks are still ok!

If you are interested, please contact me via PM!

And here's the list:

Operating systems:

- several OS/2 versions (2.1, Warp, Warp Connect, Warp 4), mostly German


- CFM Twain 5.0 (disks only)
- Object Desktop 2.0
- Process Commander


- IBM Visual Age C++ 3 with printed documentation (several kilograms)
- VisPro C by Hockware
- VisPro C++ by Hockware
- Watcom C/C++ 11


- BlueCAD
- Impos/2 2.0 and 2.1, german
- NeoN Grafix 3D Lite
- NeoN Grafix Storyboard
- Sundial Relish 2.23
- TrueSpectra Photo>Graphics Pro


- Avarice
- BEM - It Crawled From The Net
- Entrepreneur with add-on
- Galactic Civilizations Gold
- Master of the Empire
- Microlearn Game Pack Vol. II
- Sim City
- Star Emperor
- Trials of Battle


in English:

- IBM Redbooks for OS/2 2.0 Vol. 1 to 4 as original, Vol. 5 as a copy

in German:

- Dutt & Freiburg: GIMP, C&L
- Keinknecht & Hinner: Das LAN-Server Buch, Markt & Technik
- Kuhlmann & Müllmerstadt: Grundkurs Computerpraxis DB2, rororo
- Mark et. al.: OS/2 Warp V4 im Team mit CD, C&L
- Pürner & Pürner: DB2/2 kompakt, Vieweg
- Steiner & Valentin: OS/2 2.1 Schnellübersicht, Markt & Technik
- Heinz Wolek: Das REXX-Buch für OS/2 mit CD, Markt & Technik

I should also still have some books about Warp 3 somewhere, probably in German.


- 2x OS/2 Inside Top OS/2 Vollversionen Vol. 1 incl. IBM C Set ++ 2.1 Compiler, Sundial Clearlook 1.5 word processor, and Speed Pascal/2 1.5
- OS/2 Inside CDs
- OS/2 Only issues
- Team Trier Collection CDs

If anybody is interested in old DOS games, I also still have a bunch of those, e.g., Monkey Island, Indiana Jones, Comanche, TIE Fighter, X-Wing.


« Last Edit: October 31, 2014, 06:51:42 pm by Christian Hennecke »


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Re: OS/2 software and books
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2014, 10:11:30 pm »
Well, this stuff is FREE as long as you pay for shipping, guys.

The IBM Redbooks include Vol. 1 to 4 as originals and Vol. 5 as a copy.

Also, I found the following:

- Neon Grafik Storybook (disks only)


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Re: OS/2 software and books
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2014, 03:28:12 pm »
I already have most of the games and I don't think I should request either of the Vispro C/C++ disks as I am not much of a C developer so they should really go to somebody who could get the most out of them.

It's very kind of you though - hopefully somebody will take you up on your kind offer  :)

Martin Iturbide

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Re: OS/2 software and books
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2014, 05:34:59 pm »
Hi Christian.

I have interest on the miscellaneous.

How much will be the shipping costs to Ecuador (South America) of:
- OS/2 Inside CDs
- OS/2 Only issues
- Team Trier Collection CDs
And let me know if it is less than 4Kgr.

Martin Iturbide
OS2World NewsMaster
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Re: OS/2 software and books
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2014, 09:22:28 am »
I would be interested in VisualAge C++ v.3 and Watcom C++

Greetings - Jan Waliszewski, Lodz, Poland


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Re: OS/2 software and books
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2014, 03:01:25 pm »
Hello everybody,

I've updated my original post and marked the stuff that is already gone. Also, I have added a few more items I found.


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Re: OS/2 software and books
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2014, 08:26:49 pm »

A good deal of the stuff is gone now, but not all. If you are interested, you can find the rest on eBay: