I had also completed the formality to have IBM's republishing permission for:
IBM Solution Developer Support (IBM External Submission #29315):
How to convert from 2.1 base video into 3.0 base video in order to take advantage of the monitor configuration feature of the 3.0 system icon
Device Drivers for OS/2 2.x are compatible with OS/2 Warp V3 and do not require additional modifications.
Driver Development Support Center's (DDSC) Cyber DUDE
OS/2 keyboard translate table design
Developing NDIS LAN device drivers FAQ
How do I get started writing OS/2 device drivers
OS/2 OO Books: A Roadmap
Video Playback - No Audio Bug
Some Watcom Compiler Tips from DUDE Users
DDK (IBM External Submission #29315):
Introduction to DASD, SCSI and CD-ROM Programming Interfases
Developer Guide for OS/2 for SMP Version 2.11
OS/2 Resource Manager Architecture (1994)
Device Driver FAQ
OS/2 Hardware Compatibility List 1995
OS/2 & LAN Systems Development Tools Guide
New XGA Display Driver Entry Points
New VGA Display Driver Entry Points
Developer Connection DDK Transitional Questions and Answers
NDIS Implementation Information for IBM LAN Systems - OS/2 Messaging and National Language Support
Sample Code Chunks, From a Device Driver
Links to the material on this
EDM/2 wiki page.
And also "
The OS/2 Development Tools Guide - Spring 1993 (G326-0326-00)" (Permission #29210 )
I'm still looking for more IBM material (like couseware) to ask permission and make it public for everyone to read.
The work on EDM/2 is still going on, and moving forward to try to have all OS/2 development material consolidated there.