Doug, the author of QSINIT has reported that the support of formatting into JFS will not be introduced in QSINIT as being too hard and senseless, as there is no need for a journaling file system on a RAM drive.
Doug, what Michael meant by really great news was the ability to actually swap out to the physical memory, directly inaddressable by OS2KRNL, which theoretically means the ability to address more than four gibibytes of virtual memory in system.
Michael, that could be very good news, but unfortunately there is actually one another drawback in any existing OS2KRNL, no matter released by David or the Phoenix OS/4 project: it appears (please check out my signature) that there is a technical limitation of all memory allocated by all processes, i.e. swapped + not swapped memory. I've once run a test with 14.104a_SMP and the kernel being the latest released by Phoenix OS/4 back at that time: I've checked that swapping is turned on on my system, and that the drive where the SWAPPER.DAT file is located is big enough, and tried to allocate as much memory, as I could. I was spawning processes each allocating some fixed amount of memory, which I selected, but no matter what amount of memory each process allocated, its sum had never been greater than 4 GiB, because every time eventually I either got a system hang, or a malloc failure, or both. This was happening on both kernels.
I've said this is a technical limitation, because it actually seems to be just a single drawback in the current OS2KRNL implementation, as there is no theoretical limitation of the overall amount of memory allocated by all processes. I can't be sure (still please take my signature into consideration), but it seems to be a limit that is not that hard to overcome (means, way easier than to introduce direct PAE support in OS2KRNL). I really suggest the kernel developers to cooperate, share the code, and solve the actual problems...