I'm very happy for this news.
SNAP is a video driver that I keep using till today on OS/2-eCS and this is a good news. I really hope to see this drive to came out.
But I'm hoping that later it can be improved in two things that sounds to be very basic for other OSes, but not for us.
1) The ability to switch resolution without rebooting.
2) The ability to connect a project/external monitor and that it will work without rebooting.
And I don't want to get greedy but I also want to dream away. I really hope that someday they also think to implement expanded desktops on OS/2 on modern video chipsets and that you can have several displays and select how it will be expanded or duplicated.
I think that one of the good things of Windows was to implement "OS Key + P" to switch the projection mode:
I wish Arca Noae good luck with this driver.
Years ago I had a discussion with an OS/2 user on an IRC channel (I think it was ten years ago). Aaaah found the ticket on SNAP...
<Ltning> lou: some very early Trident drivers were able to change
resolution 'on-the-fly' in os2 2.x <Ltning> lou: I suppose they
incorporated so much of the GRE in their driver that it was possible
<Ltning> I still suspect IBM was very much involved with that driver -
judging from how the os2 support hotline kept telling me to get such a
card <MrWizard?> Trident also had HW panning and scrolling
<MrWizard?> virtual screen stuff <MrWizard?> POS card with great
drivers :-P
<lou> Ltning: that is even possible today <Ltning> lou: you mean PM
can be killed and restarted?? <Ltning> then why the HELL hasn't anyone
done that?? <lou> Ltning: yes. requires a bit of tweaking. seen
customers doing that.
But so far this has yet be confirmed what is written above if anybody has been able to get this to work.