I generally connect to five channels I connect when I log on to IRC:
- irc://freenode/netlabs I think is the IRC active OS/2-eCS channel. 22 users aprox.
- irc://efnet/osfree there is some kind of activity from time to time. (5 users aprox.)
- irc://efnet/os2<censored> is also active from time to time, but there is no more <censored> on it

(10 users aprox)
- irc://efnet/os2russian has activity from the Russians kernel developers. (it is all in russian). (10 users aprox)
- irc://efnet/os2world, Now we have two on it

About irc://irc.os2site.com I list some of the channels, it seems very empty today.
=== #osfree 1
=== #ecs 5 - eComStation international channel - eCS Demo CD
http://www.ecomstation.com/democd/=== #ecomstation 2
I will follow irc://irc.os2site.com/ecs too, just to see if the discussion rises there.
It seems that IRC does not have