OK, so trying to debug my issue further, I have 7z as previously posted, but I also have cpio:
12-03-12 12:31p 75664 124 cpio.exe
However, attempting to execute cpio on it's own simply produces:
SYS1804: The system cannot find the file KINTL.
...sure enough, that DLL is missing from my system...Hobbest shows nothing, well, it brings up gettext but the readme there talks about replacing the DLL names and KINTL.dll => intl8.dll now...so that does me no good.
Ultimately I found the wget 1.14 package which did have the KINTL.DLL, tossing that into my \usr\dll location now allowed cpio to work and (drumm roll....) more importantly ArcView now works as well!!!
Now, my only left-over question: is there a way to preserve the original archive date/time stamp on the file? My extracted stdcpp6.dll shows the creation time instead of the archive file time...now this may have something do to with HPFS386 (I vaguely remember such thing in the past), but I'm curious if it may be something else perhaps?