Thanks Andi,
It looks like display under panorama and snap didn't provide the same result. I only have panorama
and provided pictures are helpfull.
I'll check this.
I have a v1.3.6 in preparation with severals updates ( changing existing normalize processes - current supported ffmpeg do not have implemented normalize and external tools are used but now, output normalize volume can be adjusted, changing author display ... )
To answer your request:
- clear Dir/File list after conversion
- running more profiles at once (with their own target folder). So I can rip a whole CD as 1) FLAC in folder s:\Musik\flac\AlbumTitle\. and at the same time as 2) MP3 in folder s:\Musik\mp3\AlbumTitle\. and at the same time as 3) BITSTREAM in folder s:\Musik\wav\AlbumTitle\.. Of course reading the data only once from CD to speed things up
The dir/File list ( selected tracks in the container ) aren't cleared after conversion to allow you a new conversion type like what you would like. How to do ?
- Just mark again all tracks ( use RMB ) and then change the audio format and GO ( run conversion )
No need to read again the CD and select tracks...
Of course, each new audio format, tracks are read from the CD and not keep into memory
One solution would be to convert tracks into Flac and then use the Flac result to convert into other format.... !
( of course, a new conversion after a conversion may impact quality result )
About tags source choice, I did several tests and only one produced accurate result and some other didn't work...
This can be changed to allow user to try other db .