OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Utilities
Diff Tool
R.M. Klippstein:
Is there such a thing as a "simple, easy to use Diff Tool for OS/2" ? I need to add and remove (merge) statements from some large files.
thanks, klipp
Alex Taylor:
Do you want graphical or command line?
GFC (http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/h-search.php?key=os2gfc&pushbutton=Search) is a nice graphical tool which I often use. (Be aware that it can't really process lines longer than about 500 characters, but for source code that shouldn't be an issue.)
As for command line, GNU diff is basically the standard. Using the -u switch generally gives much more usable results than the default output.
PMdiff is still a good option. Araxis made the latest version 4.0c available for free some years ago. But it looks like there last web site update has vanished the download.
If you like i can make it available.
Dave Yeo:
There's also kdiff3 (netlabs under QT4 apps) which does a pretty good job of merging, including 3 way.
Andi B.:
Not mentioned until now is my preferred - Diffzilla included in VisualSlickEdit. SmartSync sometimes even better synchronizes on changed code blocks in source code but is Java and so needs more resources. Both are able to compare files and whole directory trees.
Older versions of BeyondCompare runs with the help of Odin.
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