OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - General > Marketplace
Per E. Johannessen:
Thanks for info.
Which version of OnCmd did you buy? Latest for OS/2 PM was 5.5 I think.
Would be nice to find out more about Base32.
Olafur Gunnlaugsson:
In reply to your (now deleted!?) post, the last contact info for the gent behind Base32 was:
Maxxum Technology International
63 Armagh Terrace West
Marton, New Zealand
Tel: +64 6327 5521
Fax: +64 6327 5520
The company is now called "ITL Aviation Limited" and is still around although by now out of the oil and software business . Note that there is an Asian company of the same name that has no relation to this one and has a funny homepage with their logo photoshopped on impressive looking buildings
Actually a Kiwi rather than an Aussie as I had remembered it, the gent that runs the company is called Brendon Edward Deere and he posted to OS/2 groups from time to time in the 90's.
And as for your interest in R:Base, the 16 bit version worked extremely well in its time, cannot remember using the 32 bit one.
Have you tried Lotus Approach? Excellent database program, the OS/2 version had bugs in the join creation code that would sometimes make it crash while creating joins, but once they were created the resulting database was stable. Although outdated I still prefer the development interface to Microsoft Access 2016 and Filemaker 14 even if the DBF backend lacks the sophistication of the latter two. On the other hand the use of dbf files meant that it could be used with all kinds of third party utilities if needed.
Per E. Johannessen:
Actually I'm looking for a RAD that creates stand alone programs. I have DBExpert, which is easy to use, but quite outdated for creating GUI's. VX-Rexx works with the Q+E odbc drivers bundled with DBE, while I get lots of errors trying to make VisproRx work with them.
VP has the db-designer and also "report writer" so I'd like to have it working.
Anyone managed to get VP to work with the Q+E dbf-drivers from DBE?
About OnCmd, although not very likely, perhaps if more OS2-users showed interest in the product it could happen that they fixed the "ASCII-only" stuff and released a new version?
I've also been in contact with R:BASE Technologies and they offered R:BASE 4.5++ for OS/2 16-bit. Last version for OS/2 was R:BASE 5.5 32-bit, and to my big disappointment, they were unable to find a digital or hard copy of that version.
Olafur Gunnlaugsson:
Visual Prolog, it has a somewhat rudimentary but fully functional dbf based database engine that is not recommended for massive databases but works fine with smaller ones and the RAD portion even though old is excellent. The Danish company that makes it continued to sell 5.2 to those that nagged them for years after they ceased OS/2 and Unix development but I gather they are no longer willing to supply copies. However I have the full "freeware" version of 5.2 as an ISO that has almost all of the tools that the full version has but creates executables that start with "no commercial usage allowed", and if you get along with it, I may have an extra license of the full version somewhere that I bought cheaply for my personal use in 2002 when they announced that the software would become Windows only.
I doubt OnCMD will do anything, the problem existed in the QNX version that pre-dates the OS/2 and Windows version by a number of years, this is not a bug, but an inexplicable design choice and will require lots of re-coding and testing to fix. The company was extremely polite and helpful over the phone, but could not help in any meaningful way.
Per E. Johannessen:
I'd like to have a look at Visual Prolog, sent you a pm.
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