OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - General > Marketplace
Martin Iturbide:
Hi Per.
I tried to seach more about On-Line Data and I think that they belong to On-Line Service Corp (OSC) which is a division of Hogg Fuel & Supply. So when you have several companies involved the possibilities to be turned into "AS IS freeware" or even open source are low.
But I'm still trying to find the name of the CEO. At least we can try to turn it "AS IS freeware".
Let me know if you got any name or email from them.
Per E. Johannessen:
Hi Martin, already sent you a pm ;)
Olafur Gunnlaugsson:
--- Quote from: Martin Iturbide on October 01, 2015, 10:17:24 pm ---Hi Per.
I tried to seach more about On-Line Data and I think that they belong to On-Line Service Corp (OSC) which is a division of Hogg Fuel & Supply. So when you have several companies involved the possibilities to be turned into "AS IS freeware" or even open source are low.
But I'm still trying to find the name of the CEO. At least we can try to turn it "AS IS freeware".
Let me know if you got any name or email from them.
--- End quote ---
Should not bother with that, the core engine, while exceptionally fast does not support the use of anything but ASCII as text input, so no matter if you have the QNX, Windows or OS/2 version it is useless for anything that requires more than ASCII input, and that is just about anything these days.
There was an Australian compiler with similar feature set and speed that actually worked called "Base32"
It would make more sense to clean up x2C and port it to Watcom C
Per E. Johannessen:
Well, I have no intention of making wonders with OnCmd but from what I've seen it does do what it was meant to do.
(I wasn't planning on using it for "production", just curious.)
Do you know if Base32 is available somewhere?
I'm not at all familiar with x2C or Watcom C, perhaps you could give some more info about what the "goal" would be?
Olafur Gunnlaugsson:
--- Quote from: Per E. Johannessen on October 08, 2015, 07:26:41 pm ---Well, I have no intention of making wonders with OnCmd but from what I've seen it does do what it was meant to do.
(I wasn't planning on using it for "production", just curious.)
Do you know if Base32 is available somewhere?
I'm not at all familiar with x2C or Watcom C, perhaps you could give some more info about what the "goal" would be?
--- End quote ---
The problem with ASCII only, means no extended characters whatsoever in the database itself or code, no graphic symbols when porting from old DOS code, no NLS characters in the data (no ð or þ for instance) not even accents, so no French é or Swedish ö or ligatures like æ. Since dBase and Clipper had no real problems with character sets in the database file this entirely artificial limitation sort of blew my mind when I bought a license in the late 90's, especially considering how good the rest of the code was, and how $#%!#$! expensive my triple target developers license was.
The gent behind Base32 disappeared around 2003, but I might have old contact info here somewhere, I was just thinking aloud since Martin was wandering if he should contact OnCMD, that tracking down the guy behind Base32 would be a better idea.
X2C is a dBase/Clipper/xBase compatible compiler that pumps out C code that is ready for compiling with a C compiler and would probably work with Watcom as is, as it outputs very clean C code but the current version has only been tested with Borland C++. Just a few modernisations to make it slightly less work to compile in one go and so on, might be all that is needed, it might even be as little as a few REXX scripts. Since the output code is a well defined C subset it might even be possible to merge it with one of the PD Mini C compilers into a program that compiles executables on its own.
You may also take a look at Harbour, it is similar to X2C with more modern syntax, however I think that the OS/2 port only works properly with IBM VAC++ and older versions of GNU C as back ends, neither of which is as user friendly as Watcom in eCS.
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