This is the kind of brainstorm that I really like. Thanks for bringing the idea to the table.
If only need a Yes/no answer, the final answer is YES!! YES !! YES!!! Let's do this !!!
There are a few ideas / issues / suggestions that I want to put over the table.
IBM Binaries IssueLegal Issue: You can not distribute any IBM produced binaries on your distribution. With the exceptions of the ones that IBM clearly made public under an specific license. Even that I think that IBM OS/2 is abandonware, it is better not to have issues with the big guy.
Workaround to distribute IBM Binaries: Sure there is a workarround for the legal issue like, (IDEA, please don't freak out). Why don't you create your "SigurdWarp Distro ISO" and ask permission to the one that have OEM agreement with IBM (XEU) to put it on the "beta files" as an "AS IS" community project ? So people with a license of eComStation can also download your project as ISO file from XEU site as an added value, so you will be sure you are not violating any IBM Binary copyright.
Distributing it as a UpdCD PackageI know that you had been using UpdCD, so you will package all your "files" without any IBM. So, creating a "SigurdWarp Distro" ISO file by requesting the user to put the OS/2 Warp 4.5x CDROM and grab the files from it will give no legal issue. Just be aware of which files you can not make public on that "UpdCD Package".
with whom I would have to speak in Advance?
Maybe you should try to speak to the two commercial forces that we have now, like Arca and XEU. Try to see what you can get from them, their value is obvious.
- XEU has the OEM Agreement to distribute IBM OS/2 Binaries (PM, SOM, CPI, we need all that).
- Arca Noae has the drivers
The other ones to speak to is the community, which you are already doing it
Which files could I use for this, wich not (i.e. wich kernel)?
My taste may be different from you and other users.
- I will put as much as open source software as possible (like eCS does)
- I prefer availability of the source code over functionality/stability. Bad open source code can be fixed, good close source code is dead. (Many will disagree with me on this subject).
- OS/4 Kernel is a difficult decision. I don't know under which license is that product and finally who is charge of that source code (I haven't did my homework on that subject yet).
I have this two references for software:
There goes this:
http://www.os2world.com/wiki/index.php/Category:Open_Source_Softwareand this:
http://www.os2world.com/wiki/index.php/XWarp_Programs- what else?
There is more to discuss.
DON'T GET TROLLEDIt is very possible that you may get a call from the "Illuminati Brotherhood" telling you to stop this, that you are going to fail and all that crap. Don't listen to them.