OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Storage

Share a 2TB USB drive between Windows and OS/2?

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Doug Bissett:

--- Quote from: Andi B. on December 28, 2015, 06:45:00 pm ---
--- Quote ---Its very unlikely that both drives will fail same time.
--- End quote ---
Except when your power supply unit dies so badly that the output voltages rises up. F.i. while an over voltage event (surge) or simply cause it's to old or to low quality. Then your backup on the second internal drive will vaporize too.

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I agree with this. It is true that having two drives in a machine is convenient, but there are a lot of reasons (including power supplies) why both drives could be damaged, or lost (perhaps the machine is stolen). I prefer to have a second, third... physical backup, so that something like that cannot happen. Even then, having two (or more) physical drives in the same location, exposes you to the possibility of total loss (perhaps by fire). You do need to determine what level of exposure you are willing to accept, and take steps to make sure that whatever happens, can't take out all of your backups.

--- Quote ---Backing up more often does have the risk that you backup not noticed problems with it (from own experience).
--- End quote ---

Not backing up often enough also has risks. That is why I do it in more than one way, and on different schedules. Even then, I have lost a few things because of backing up too often, but I have lost more things by not backing up often enough. It all comes back to the level of risk that you are willing to accept, and making a good plan to minimize the risks. Then, of course,  (the hard part) you need to TEST the plan, to be sure that it works as deigned. Most of it is simple common sense, but all possibilities need to be evaluated.


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