OS/2, eCS & ArcaOS - Technical > Utilities

SYS0005: Access denied

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Einar Lygre:
I am trying to delete a folder with lots of sub folders from an external backup disk (FAT32).  That works fine until I get an "SYS0005: Access denied" error message for one of the sub folders. All of the files in that sub folder is deleted, but the sub folder itself is not deleted, nor are the folders at higher levels. No attributes are set for the folder.
Another message is also displayed: Deleting objects... Collecting objects... Target: (that is empty), and at last a progress bar just stopping at 0%.
The folders was created with the backup program Easy Sync. The program crashed during the backup process while processing a JPG file. The file was partly copied to the backup drive and into the folder with the error message. I deleted that file manually, ok. And I now wonder if there is some "left overs" from that file that destroys the delete process.

How to delete it?

Open an OS/2 command window and type 'help sys0005' without the ' then hit enter and you will get a list of the probable causes and what to do about them.

Sergey Posokhov:
"SYS0005" is just error code from FAT32.IFS

Seems that there are lost data somewhere in FAT32.
Try CHKDSK, i.e.
chkdsk /F:0 D:
"/F:0" means "no corrections, only display information".

Sergey Posokhov:
"SYS0005" is just an error code from FAT32.IFS

Seems that there are lost data somewhere in FAT32.
Try CHKDSK, i.e.
chkdsk /F:0 D:
"/F:0" means "no corrections, only display information".

Dave Yeo:
Your FAT ot directory structure probably got damaged in the crash. Try chkdsk, might need to do it on Windows as our FAT32 chkdsk isn't the best. If that doesn't work, you might be able to fix with DFSee or you might have to format the volume.


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