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Messages - Rich Walsh

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Applications / Re: FTP
« on: February 18, 2025, 06:01:38 am »
No problem. Rich being Rich.

No, Martin, there is a BIG problem: your arrogance. You did a lousy job of "fixing" something that was none of your business, then you act like I have no reason to complain? Where's your apology?

Applications / Re: FTP
« on: February 17, 2025, 08:08:34 pm »
I had to do something with the xwp files in Hobbes. It seemed to have some kind of limitation uploading .exe (as far as I understood). I had to bundle the "full" and "lite" in a zip file with the languages.
It is what I can do for the moment.

WTF???  I know you _think_ you're being helpful but you're NOT!

If you actually wanted to help, you would have emailed me or posted something here letting me know of the problem. But no, you had to come up with the worst possible solution. Why???

When I'm done with this rant, I will implement the *correct* solution: I will rename all the files to *.WPI and re-upload them. Meanwhile, please delete those zips.

Applications / Re: FTP
« on: February 08, 2025, 07:59:48 pm »
Rich. If you want, post the <upload>.txt files here inside a .zip file and I will upload the files one at a time.

Thank you for the offer but I've taken care of it. The files are in /pub/incoming but not yet cataloged.

Applications / FTP
« on: February 07, 2025, 08:06:19 pm »
I'd like to use conventional FTP to upload the new version of XWP but all attempts so far have failed. The site's 'Upload policy' page demands that you use FTP but doesn't bother to tell you how to log in. Emails sent to 'webmaster' and 'support' a couple of days ago seeking guidance have gone unanswered.

I tried logging in using the standard 'anonymous/<email>' name/pword but that failed. I then created an account for the site and confirmed it would log me in to the website, but it failed when used for FTP. I'm aware that there's an upload page but I've got 14 WPIs and 14 ready-to-go "template" files and would like to avoid having to copy/paste all this stuff.

What's a guy to do?

Applications / XWP v1.0.17
« on: February 05, 2025, 05:07:52 am »

XWorkplace v1.0.17 is now available.

New Features
  • Icon Size page
    For users who have 'Dynamic Icons' installed, a new page has been added to the Desktop's notebook. It provides a simplified way to set the size of icons in folders and XCenter, and ensures all Desktop folders use the size you have chosen. D.I.'s original settings page remains available if you prefer icons that are considerably larger or smaller than the default.
  • Memory Map widget
    This addition to XCenter displays private and shared memory use graphically. Unlike other memory utils, it also shows how much memory is unassigned and could be used as either. A quick glance at this "gray area" identifies how much free memory remains without having to examine any numbers. For those who do like numbers, clicking on the widget will display this info numerically.

Updates and Bugfixes
  • Trashcan: objects in the Trash Can now display their original icons rather than the objects' class default icon. The "Trash full" icon now displays properly when 'Dynamic Icons' is installed.
  • XWP-Full: first-time installs of XWP-Full are now pre-configured to match the feature set of XWP-Lite. Your ability enable/disable any XWP feature remains in place. The initial "Install objects" dialog has been removed since all objects are created by WarpIn during installation.
  • German NLS: Mathias Rißler has provided a major rewrite of the German NLS.
  • Startup: displaying the Startup Folder's settings no longer resets the Startup Delay spinbutton to 1 second.
  • Folder views: an update now prevents folders from being subject to multiple concurrent refreshes.
  • DiskFreeCondensed widget: the widget's saved size is now restored properly when XCenter is opened.
  • Sound object: settings that were changed shortly before shutdown might  not be saved; XWP now ensures that they are.

Files will be uploaded to hobbesarchive once I gain access. Meanwhile they are available from the links below.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Development
« on: February 04, 2025, 10:47:39 am »
Yeah this does make the tests pass. Interesting, the original changes to qstringconverter.cpp also pass. Committed to main, I'll cherry-pick to 6.8.x when I get a moment

The tests that failed were passing multi-byte UTF8 characters to the converter as "native encoding". The converter thought they were a series of CP850 codepoints and converted each one of the bytes to Unicode. Most of these tests were invalid anyway since CP850 doesn't contain some of the test characters such as a non-breaking space.

Still, I think that at least one of the tests in the revised version should still fail. Could you post the new binary?

Programming / Re: Qt6 Development
« on: February 03, 2025, 10:31:14 am »

This needs a fix. Starting around line 43 of 'tst_qstringconverter.cpp' there are two versions of "localeIsUtf8()". The non-Windows flavor returns TRUE. We need one like that which returns FALSE.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Development
« on: February 02, 2025, 10:53:48 pm »
Here's a patch for 'qstringconverter'. (Apparently you can't attach *.diff so I had to rename it *.txt.)

Paul, if this fails the 'tst_stringconverter' tests, could you send me the binary (assuming there is one) so I can better figure out what's wrong? Tnx.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Development
« on: February 02, 2025, 12:24:30 am »
The handling of U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR looks suspicious. Neither the end of the target nor the end of the source buffers appear to get calculated correctly for the second call to ucnv_toUnicode and ucnv_fromUnicode.

Ooops, you're right..  I'll put out a fix.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Development
« on: January 28, 2025, 07:45:30 pm »
CMake Error: Unknown argument -release

-release should not be used ?

Here are my 'configure' and 'cmake'  commandlines for 'qtbase'. I get no complaints from 'configure' about '-release'.

Code: [Select]
sh ../../qt62/qtbase/configure -prefix /prj/qt/qout/qtbase -release -opensource -confirm-license -no-opengl -system-sqlite -openssl-linked -no-pch -- -DQT_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF -DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF 2>&1 | tee ../config-base.log

cmake --build . --parallel 6 2>&1 | tee ../bld.log

BTW... you probably already have this but... '<builddir>\qtbase\lib' must be added to your build environment's BEGINLIBPATH because tools like 'uic' link to its dlls.

Setup & Installation / Re: Installing CUPS on MCP
« on: January 26, 2025, 06:24:35 pm »
I thought about the failure, and then ran CUPS.PDR through PMDLL (Because I know a PDR is a kind of EXE). I do this on ArcaOS, and I get UCONV.DLL depending on UCV32.DLL. There is no UCV32 on MCP or Warp 4.

This is *not* the problem. CUPS.PDR does not link to UCONV. It links to PMMERGE which links to UCONV which in turn (on Warp 4.5 at least) links to UCV32. If UCV32 were needed but missing, PMMERGE would have failed to load and your system would have blown up during boot. This is a red hering. Chances are that the Warp 4 version of UCONV doesn't even load UCV32, so it isn't "missing".

What you may be seeing is a flaw(?) in PMDLL. If I run it against the CUPS.PDR on my current boot drive, everything is fine. If I run it against a copy of that file on another boot drive, PMDLL tells me DOSCALL1.DLL can't be found - and that's ridiculous.

To fix the real(?) problem, can't you just use PIN.EXE to manually attach the PPD to the driver?

Applications / Re: PMMail fails sending messages
« on: January 20, 2025, 10:44:13 pm »
You didn't explicitly say that you're using 'stunnel' but I'll assume you are. Here's the section of my 'stunnel.conf' for my ISP:

client = yes
accept =
connect =
verifyChain = yes
CAfile = N:/etc/pki/tls/certs/
checkHost =
protocol = smtp
protocolUsername = <my email>
protocolPassword = <my password>
protocolAuthentication = login

The "protocolAuthentication" line may not be needed by your ISP.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 19, 2025, 04:27:48 am »
Re: webengine and 6.2.11 - potentially I rebuild webengine AFTER I imaged the drive.... the only thing I remember doing is rebuilding it with system ICU - which didn't appear to make any differences...

It seems that it did make a difference:  the 'Qt6WebEn.dll' in the latest drop wants 'icuuc69.dll' and 'icuin69.dll'. The previous version didn't want either of these files, numbered or unnumbered.

Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« on: January 17, 2025, 11:29:27 pm »
What improvement does "" has?

1- an improved method for displaying UTF-8 in the titlebar. Dooble enables this feature automatically.

To enable it in other QT apps (not necessarily a good idea) use this new environment variable:
    SET QT_UTF8=[ 1 |  Y | ON ]
(the old variable, "QT_PM_CP" has been abandoned)

2- composing characters using dead keys and AltGr should now work correctly.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 09, 2025, 10:15:23 pm »
well, for completeness, I guess it should be:
Code: [Select]
return fp.isEmpty() || ( != u':' && != u'/')  || != u'/'; ?

Nope. " != u'/'" would disqualify "./myapp.exe". I believe it should be:

Code: [Select]
return fp.isEmpty() || ( != u':' && != u'/');

This should return FALSE for f/q DOSish paths (C:/blahblah) and f/q UNIX paths (/blahblah).

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