« on: November 12, 2024, 10:43:06 pm »
The monitor will be used for gaming (Win) and office-apps (AOS) so most likely it will be a "gaming-monitor".
At the moment I'm using a Radeon RX 580 and it has worked fine for years with my 13 years old monitor, 27 inches, 60 Hz, 1920c1080.
This GPU is now showing signs of "giving up", so I'm going to replace both GPU and monitor.
However, I've just tried a Radeon RX 7800 XT with the same monitor and have some issues;
Sometimes when I switch on the pc I only get a black screen.
Other times I get to the Lenovo splash screen (and can enter BIOS) and after the splash screen it goes black.
And then there are times it boots ok, get to the Airboot menu and can boot AOS or Win.
If I reboot from AOS or Win I randomly get one of the above mentioned scenarios.
I bought new DP and HDMI cables, not cheap ones, and have the same result whether using DP or HDMI.
Any suggestions for quality cables?