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Messages - Per E. Johannessen

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 19
Hardware / Re: Printer Suggestion for ArcaOS
« on: February 12, 2025, 09:09:24 pm »
Checked Canon's web and it states;

Printer Languages

PSCRIPT not mentioned anywhere so I think CUPS is the only way to make it work.

Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« on: December 09, 2024, 05:42:23 pm »
Below is the output of mem /v
With VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT=2816 the system seems stable.
I'm on thin ice here so, as always, I welcome comments.

Total physical memory:     16,102 MB
Accessible to system:       1,766 MB
Additional (PAE) memory:   14,336 MB

Resident memory:              290 MB
Available virtual memory:   1,382 MB

Available process memory:
  Private low memory:         288 MB
  Private high memory:      2,012 MB
  Shared low memory:          234 MB
  Shared high memory:       1,729 MB

Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« on: December 08, 2024, 06:27:42 pm »
Forgot to mention that chkdsk has been run several times without any errors and nothing in populog either.

Although the Radeon offers lots of resolutions it's not stable enough for the time being.
I put back the Nvidia RTX 4060 Ti and connected with DP it now offers a max resolution of 1920x1080 and so far it seems stable

Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« on: December 07, 2024, 06:44:15 pm »
The system works fine after a cold boot except that Firefox can only be started one time only. Closing Firefox and then trying to start it again gives the "Couldn't load xul.dll". This is with VIRTUALADDRESSLIMT = 3072.
With VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT=2560 it boots ok until it is about to start the desktop and then it goes black.

One thing came to my mind, earlier when trying the Radeon GPU with the old monitor something changed with the system. The shutdown dialog used to give me the possibility to choose which system I'd like to reboot to, I could choose any of the other OS installations on this system. At some point this has changed to the ordinary shutdown dialog with only the options "Power off" and "Reboot".

In order to change VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT back to 3072 (from 2560) I cold booted another AOS 5.1 installation and edited config.sys for the troubled "G:\" installation which is AOS 5.0.6 and has all available updates installed.
From the AOS 5.1 installation, which has VIRTUALADDRESS=1536 and Firefox works fine, I was able to choose "Reboot to G:" and it actually worked fine.

So, obviously something has gone wrong on 5.0.6 on "G:\".

Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« on: December 07, 2024, 04:59:13 pm »
Now testing;

GPU: Radeon RX 7800 XT 16GB
(Same GPU I had a lot of trouble with when using an old Samsung monitor, SyncMaster SA950 27")
Monitor: Samsung Odyssey G8 G80SD 32" 4K OLED

HDMI: Offers same resolutions as the GeForce RTX 4060 Ti 16GB, max 1280x1024
DisplayPort: Offers lots of resolutions up to 3840x2160

Other issues;
When rebooting everything seems fine until the point where it normally displays the desktop, screen goes black with a blinking cursor in the upper left corner.
If I choose "Power off" the system shuts down as expected. When switching on again the system boots fine.

Just noticed another issue, don't know how/if it is related but it hasn't happened before.
After the cold reboot I wrote this message with Firefox and closed it when finished.
When trying to start Firefox again I get:
"Couldn't load xul.dll (OS/2 error 8, faulty module:

Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« on: December 06, 2024, 10:08:45 pm »
I'm now testing;

GPU: Asus Geforce RTX 4060 Ti 16GB, (Nvidia).
Monitor: Samsung Odyssey G8 G80SD 32" 4K OLED.
Connection: HDMI

Max resolution offered by Panorama is 1280x1024.

Is there a "safe" way to get a higher resolution or do I simply have to experiment.

Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« on: November 14, 2024, 04:56:21 pm »
It is not a problem with OS/2 video, same trouble with Win, like I mentioned:
Sometimes when I switch on the pc I only get a black screen.
Other times I get to the Lenovo splash screen (and can enter BIOS) and after the splash screen it goes black.
And then there are times it boots ok, get to the Airboot menu and can boot AOS or Win.
If I reboot from AOS or Win I randomly get one of the above mentioned scenarios.
For some reason this specific GPU will not work reliably with the ThinkStation P520 and Lenovo seems to be out of ideas.
(In another pc the GPU works fine.)

Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« on: November 13, 2024, 10:28:56 pm »
The PSU is 900W. If it's starting to fail I'd believe that the other GPU (RX580) also would be unstable, (although it is less power hungry).

I have, once again, tried the RX 7800 and I'm sure it was properly seated. Power and DP also properly connected. It still behaves as before.

Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« on: November 13, 2024, 08:48:11 pm »
Hi Pete,

I've actually tried another monitor and the results are the same.
As you've mentioned before it could be that the card is not seated properly although each time it feels like it is correctly in place.
Think I'll try some cleaning of the slots and give it another try.

Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« on: November 13, 2024, 11:00:48 am »
I was wondering about that as well and asked Sapphire, they replied: This model is hybrid bios support both Legacy/ UEFI mode, no worry for this.

Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« on: November 13, 2024, 03:49:25 am »
Hi Pete,

I have checked that the card was properly seated several times, also tried different slots.
A friend of mine checked it in his computer and the card worked fine there.
I opened a ticket in a Lenovo forum and hopefully someone comes up with a solution.

If not, I'll get a new GPU, any recommendations for one with minimum 12G RAM?

Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« on: November 12, 2024, 10:43:06 pm »
The monitor will be used for gaming (Win) and office-apps (AOS) so most likely it will be a "gaming-monitor".
At the moment I'm using a Radeon RX 580 and it has worked fine for years with my 13 years old monitor, 27 inches, 60 Hz, 1920c1080.
This GPU is now showing signs of "giving up", so I'm going to replace both GPU and monitor.

However, I've just tried a Radeon RX 7800 XT with the same monitor and have some issues;
Sometimes when I switch on the pc I only get a black screen.
Other times I get to the Lenovo splash screen (and can enter BIOS) and after the splash screen it goes black.
And then there are times it boots ok, get to the Airboot menu and can boot AOS or Win.
If I reboot from AOS or Win I randomly get one of the above mentioned scenarios.

I bought new DP and HDMI cables, not cheap ones, and have the same result whether using DP or HDMI.
Any suggestions for quality cables?

Hardware / Monitor suggestions
« on: November 12, 2024, 06:35:38 pm »

I'm planning to purchase a new monior, minimum 32 inches, must have DP and/or HDMI.
Noticed that there are lots of relatively cheap 60 Hz available, what's the minimum "good" Hz these days?

Any recommendations?

Setup & Installation / Re: No mouse/keyboard after BIOS update
« on: November 12, 2024, 01:02:40 am »
Hi Martin,

At the point I disabled "XHCI Hand-off" I did not have the "above 4G decoding" in mind, so after a reboot only mouse buttons 1 and 2 were working
and the system also seemed a bit "unstable".
Because of this I checked BIOS again and noticed that "above 4G decoding" was enabled, then I disabled it and now mouse are keyboard are fine.
I believe that updating BIOS somehow enabled "above 4G decoding".

Don't really know if "XHCI Hand-off" should be enabled or not, the system works with it enabled and with "above 4G decoding" disabled.
Nice if someone who knows could clarify.

(Tried the link to the BIOS simulator but it won't work with my Firefox installation, anyway I've used it before from a Win10.)

And, yes, I remember reporting this hardware a few years back.

Setup & Installation / Re: No mouse/keyboard after BIOS update
« on: November 11, 2024, 04:55:18 pm »
Well, I'd forgotten the "above 4G decoding" in BIOS, now disabled and mouse wheel also works.

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