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Messages - mauro

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 29
made all what suggested, no improve.
Seamonkey.exe opens the browser, if start composing a new message (FILE menu) it let me do it, but goes in system trap as I try to open the Mail & Newsgroup window (WINDOWS menu) see message in the attached picture.
Repeat, it has worked OK since time ago, unfortunately I ignore after which software/installation has stopped to work properly.
I feel something related to QT5 stuff introduced for Dooble installation, but however made same on ArcaOS and no issue there
Thank you

Hi Dave

Memory issue? Are you marking the DLL's to load high?
believe not, I would need a refresh on how-to

Are you using smturbo?

don't know smturbo, can you advice the use?
And of course, have you tried a different profile

yes, seems not solving the issue.
Anyhow still do not understand why OK in ArcaOS5 and KO in WARP4.52 , unless ArcaOS5 itself applies highmem feature.
Thank you much

Hi all, have virtual machines both OS2 Warp 4.52 and ArcaOS 5 (virtualbox) , and recently discovered that now the email client of Seamonkey -assuming same as Thunderbird-, cause a system trap when calling the "email client" window from Seamonkey (no problem if I start a new message compose), only in Os2 W4.52, all ok in ArcaOS 5. Cannot understand the cause, SM version are same 2.42.9esr. dll issue in Warp4.52?  It has been working fine since some time ago. Maybe caused by a QT5 update made for Dooble ?
Do not know.
Thank you for any help

Comments, Suggestions & Questions / Re: Best Email Program on ArcaOS
« on: January 15, 2025, 08:38:15 pm »
as also Andy B. wrote, Seamonkey email client fits the need.
Just configure the account in IMAP mode to leave your messages on the server.
I have it working for GMAIL.
To make the client connection work, you will just be required to create a specific "App Password" for Seamomkey in the security section of your GMAIL account settings page.

Applications / Re: eCo software runtime packages
« on: December 15, 2024, 09:37:39 am »
Hello Mauro

I think you will get two answers:

1) I have installed those in ArcaOS 5.1 and I didn't have any kind of problems. I dont' have a Warp 4.52 or ArcaOS 5.0 at hand to try those, but my guess is that there is no problem.

2) The second answer you may get is if you really require those libraries. Do you have any application that uses those library?  Some may way say it is not necessary to update if everything is working fine.

Check the changelog, in my case, since it fixed some FOC (File Open Close window) memory leaks (Win Package), I think it is worthy to give it a try, specially in ArcaOS that uses it.

The decision is up to you. Take a backup/snapshot of the VMs.


thank you Martin.  in those guest machines everything seems to work as expected, unless in Winos2 it does not allow to install any Win software beacuse it claims "not enough memory - disk full".  The advice is in a Windows 3.11 frame

Applications / eCo software runtime packages
« on: December 13, 2024, 11:30:26 am »
Hi all, just read the Arca NOAE announcement about it.
Said that I have both ArcaOS 5.0 and OS2 4.52 guest installed in Virtualbox Windows11 and personalized as per my needs (Guest Additions, Dooble QT5, VLC, AVXCat, Lucide, OpenJDK, Openoffice exc....) do you think is recommandable to install those runtimes without causing any conflict on what already installed/configured?
Thank you

Utilities / Re: K File Wizard
« on: May 18, 2024, 07:33:08 pm »
Hi mauro

You can find kcrypto.dll in this package



Thank you Pete, that link takes to a 404 page, however I could download the openssl-0.9.8zh zip package from site and finally find the file there.

@Martin/Neil :  I get same issue reported in the picture when attempting to connect to a ftp site which I handle in other host system, only difference it does not hang when select utf-8 code , just give same alert of directory not found.

BTW, kfw.exe runs also if KCRYPTO.DLL is in /usr/lib directory  .

Utilities / Re: K File Wizard
« on: May 18, 2024, 12:00:03 pm »
In eComstation 2.1 x:\ecs\dll I found kcrypto.dll. Copied to ArcaOs x:\usr\local\lib and K File Wizard opens.

hi, any possibility you can share your kcrypto.dll here? I personally cannot find it from none of the mentioned software supposed to include it.
Thank you much

Utilities / Re: K File Wizard
« on: May 16, 2024, 08:00:39 am »

HobbesArchive is up here:


thank you Martin, the given URL on eCSoft2 site was not accessible. Same for the OS2 OpenSSL by KO Myung-Hun which, then it can be installed as rpm package from netlabs rel repository, but as Mentore wrote here no KCRIPTO.dll present in it...

Utilities / Re: K File Wizard
« on: May 15, 2024, 08:14:53 pm »
thank you, kcrypto.dll will also be useful, but my question was for downloading KFW itself, as HobbesArchive site isn't accessible anymore

Utilities / Re: K File Wizard
« on: May 15, 2024, 03:51:24 pm »

I downloaded it from HobbesArchive

Hi Neil, any other download location available?
Thank you

Programming / Re: Xpdf v. 4.01
« on: April 05, 2024, 02:36:53 pm »
SYS1804: The system cannot find the file PAPER1.

found no reference on the net about this missing file

Hi Mauro

Installed Packages

Kind regards, Elbert

right, that did the trick ! Thank you much

Programming / Re: Xpdf v. 4.01
« on: April 04, 2024, 07:20:18 pm »
trying it as command line:

mypdffile.pdf present in same working directory (bin) of xpdf.exe and other .exe

xpdf.exe mypdffile.pdf

SYS1804: The system cannot find the file PAPER1.

found no reference on the net about this missing file

Applications / Re: Test build of dooble with qt5
« on: March 26, 2024, 07:44:25 pm »
thank you much, did the same in november 2023 but lost this reference among the posts/reply

Applications / Re: Test build of dooble with qt5
« on: March 25, 2024, 10:20:06 am »
hi all, sorry if I ask something already written here somewhere as this is the 21th page of the thread and not much easy to retrieve a specific indication; since I'm following the results of Dooble QT5 updates which has a reliable behavior on my OS2 Warp4.52 VM , like to learn where can I find its latest version, better if in rpm.
Thank you much meantime for the effort spent in this task, which by my side confirm is giving useful results.

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